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dc.contributor.authorКосович, Ольга Василівна-
dc.identifier.citationКосович О. В. Лексичні заміни як основний спосіб перекладу гри слів у французькій мові // Interpreting: Theory, Methods, Practice : Collection of Scientific papers based on the materials of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (April 3-4, 2020). Kyiv : Agrar Media Group, 2020. P. 203-207uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the peculiarities of language game in French language. The author emphasizes that the language game is based on the idiomatic expressions and syntactic constructions. Therefore, there is a double problem for non-French speaking reader, who comes into contact with an aspect of the culture of the other language. First, it is the recognition and understanding of the game of words, and, secondly, it is an acceptable translation of the words into native language.uk_UA
dc.publisherAgrar Media Groupuk_UA
dc.subjectlanguage playuk_UA
dc.subjectgame of wordsuk_UA
dc.subjectFrench languageuk_UA
dc.subjectculture-specific vocabularyuk_UA
dc.titleЛексичні заміни як основний спосіб перекладу гри слів у французькій мовіuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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