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Title: Динамика змін процесів росту кісток скелету після тривалого введення тартразину на фоні моделювання кісткового дефекту
Other Titles: Динамика изменений процессов роста костей скелета после длительного введения тартразина на фоне моделирования костного дефекта
Authors: Пастухова, В. А.
Лук’янцева, Г. В.
Ковальчук, О. І.
Краснова, С. П.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Динамика змін процесів росту кісток скелету після тривалого введення тартразину на фоні моделювання кісткового дефекту / В. А. Пастухова, Г. В. Лук’янцева, О. І. Ковальчук, С. П. Краснова // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Біологія. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2018. - Вип. 2(73). - С.-196–201.- Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Keywords: тартразин
кістковий дефект
костный дефект
bone defect
Series/Report no.: Біологія;
Abstract: Тривале введення статевозрілим білим щурам жовтого барвнику тартразину в дозі 750 мг/кг і 1500 мг/кг із подальшим моделюванням дефекту у великогомілковій кістці супроводжується значним дозозалежним відставанням темпів повздовжнього та апозиційного росту плечової і кульшової кісток, а також третього поперекового хребця, найбільш значним - у кульшовій кістці. Комбіноване застосування разом з тартразином фармакологічних коректорів мексидолу і селенази на тлі нанесеного кісткового дефекту сприяє нівелюванню виявленого негативного впливу Е102 на процеси росту діафізів, а також зменшує ретардацію остеогенезу в зоні проксимальних епіфізарних хрящів. Вплив селенази вирізняється більшою ефективністю порівняно з дією мексидолу.
Длительное введение половозрелым белым крысам желтого красителя тартразина в дозе 750 мг/кг и 1500 мг/кг с последующим моделированием дефекта в большеберцовой кости сопровождается значительным дозозависимым отставанием темпов продольного и аппозиционного роста плечевой и тазовой кости, а также третьего поясничного позвонка, наиболее значительным - в тазовой кости. Комбинированное применение с тартразином фармакологических корректоров мексидола и селеназы на фоне нанесенного костного дефекта способствует нивелированию обнаруженного негативного влияния Е102 на процессы роста диафизов, а также уменьшает ретардацию остеогенеза в зоне проксимальных эпифизарных хрящей. Влияние селеназы отличается большей эффективностью по сравнению с действием мексидола.
Against the background of administration of tartrazine in the minimum experimental dose (750 mg/kg) with subsequent defect in the tibia, it was determined that the most significant significant changes occurred with the dimensions of the bone marrow, which observed the greatest lagging behind the reference maximum thickness rates from 3 to 24 days of rejuvenation. Significantly violated the pace of the appositional growth processes, which reflected in the size of the body of the third lumbar vertebra and the middle of the diaphyseal humerus. In the shoulder bone from 10 to 15, there was a peak lagging of the anterior-posterior mid-diaphysic size compared to a similar bone size in the group without administration of tartrazine, and the width of the mid-diaphysis was reduced for 3 and 10 days. Changes in this state indicate the sensitivity to the effect of E102 on the process of appositional osteogenesis, which was indicated at the macro-level as a relative reduction in the overall dimensions of the spongiform vertebral structures and transverse dimensions of the flat bone and diaphyses of the tubular bones. On the background of the administration of tartrazine 750 mg/kg in combination with mexidol and subsequent modeling of bone defect up to 24 days, those osteometric parameters that were affected by the action of E102 improved - mainly the transverse bone size (width and thickness of the bone, caudal and cranial thickness of the body third lumbar vertebra). Somewhat accelerated growth of the humerus in the zone of proximal epiphysis. Combined administration of E102 (750 mg/kg) and selenians with subsequent bone defect induced a significant increase in osteogenesis in the diaphysis of the humerus for 10 and 15 days with increasing width and anterior-posterior mid-diaphysic size. The use of selenium stimulated somewhat and the longitudinal growth of the humerus from 15 to 24 days. During this period, the pace of the longitudinal and transverse growth of the third lumbar vertebra increased. Also episodically, the growth of the width of the hip bone was fixed at 3, 10 and 24 days. The use of E102 at a dose of 1500 mg/kg followed by bone defect modeling led to a significant backlog of osteometric parameters throughout the duration of the re-adaptation, as compared to rats that applied the defect without the use of a dye. The introduction of the double dose of E102 added to the slowing of the growth of the diaphyseal humerus and the body of the third lumbar vertebra, as well as the inhibition of the rates of longitudinal bone growth, as well as retardation of osteogenesis in the epiphyses zone. In particular, from 3 to 15 days, the maximum length of the shoulder and shoulder bones was significantly lower than the reference values, and the height of the body of the third lumbar vertebra remained significantly lower for 45 days. The transverse size of the epiphyses was lagging behind those in the group of rats with a defective defect without the effect of the dye on days 3 and 15, and the narrowing of the middle of the diaphyseal humerus bone was combined with a significant decrease in its anterior-posterior size throughout the rehabilitation period, with a peak difference from the referent size of 10 - 15 days The longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the hip bone were also significantly lower throughout the rehabilitation period, as well as the caudal and cranial thickness and the cranial width of the body of the third lumbar vertebra. On the background of the introduction of E102 in a dose of 1500 mg/kg in combination with mexidol with subsequent bone defect modeling for 24 - 45 days, the features of a certain acceleration of the rate of osteogenesis of the humerus and the body of the third lumbar vertebra were determined. The width of both epiphyses of the shoulder bone, as well as the caudal and cranial thickness of the body of the third lumbar vertebra, exaggerated the similar size of the bones of the rats that did not receive mexidol. Also, the thickness of the hip bone with a tendency to progression increased. On the background of the introduction of E102 together with selenase before the bone defect modeling, the acceleration of the longitudinal growth of the shoulder and hip bones and, to a lesser extent, the body of the third lumbar vertebra, was determined. Accelerated osteogenesis was recorded in the area of the diaphyseal humerus and the cranial and caudal parts of the body of the third lumbar vertebra. The processes were of an expressive nature - such a significant difference in the form of an increase in the osteometric parameters could not be achieved by correction of the action of the E102 by mexidol. Compared with the reference index, the maximum length of the humerus and the height of the third lumbar vertebra were significantly higher. The width of the middle of the diaphyseal humerus exceeds the value of the rats who did not receive selenase as well as the anterior-posterior size. Caudal dimensions of the third lumbar vertebra significantly prevailed over those in the group without the effect of the corrector for 24 days, and caudal thickness - within 45 days. The cranial size of the vertebrae also periodically exaggerated the value of the group without correction, but not so long. The caudal bone under the action of selenium against the background of the use of E102 and bone defect also developed with the acceleration of transverse growth - its maximum width was greater than that in the group without correction from day 15 to the end of the observation. The transverse dimensions of both epiphyses of the shoulder bone, mainly proximal, increased.
ISSN: 2078-2357
Appears in Collections:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Біологія. 2018. Вип. 2 (73)

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