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Title: Influence of pedagogical activity on the state of professional health of teachers
Authors: Meshko, H. M.
Meshko, O. I.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Meshko H. M., Meshko O. I. Influence of pedagogical activity on the state of professional health of teachers // European vector of contemporary psychology, pedagogy and social sciences: the experience of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland: collective monograph. Sandomierz : Baltija Publishing, 2018. Vol. 1. P. 282-300.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Baltija Publishing
Keywords: a teacher
professional health
professional health of teacher
pedagogical activity
teacher's personality
professional destruction
professional deformation
professional burnout
Abstract: The research is devoted to the problem of the profession’s influence on the teacher's personality, his/her psychological well-being, the state of professional health. On the basis of the study of a large array of scientific sources, the results of our own research the features of pedagogical activity as determinants of professional teachers’ health have been revealed. The paper presents the results of research, done by the scientists on interaction of the teacher's personality and pedagogical activity. The aspects of the positive influence of pedagogical profession on the personality of the teacher have been determined. The complex analysis of the consequences of the pedagogical activity negative influence, which violates the harmonious development of the teacher's personality (professional destruction, professional deformation, professional burnout), the ways of their prevention and elimination have been carried out. The differences between professional deformation of the teacher and professional burnout, professional stress and professional burnout of the teacher have been found out. The necessity of purposeful training of future teachers for the preservation and strengthening of professional health at the stage of training in higher education institutions has been determined.
ISBN: 978-9934-571-18-3
Appears in Collections:Монографії, розділи з монографій

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