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Title: Творча діяльність Богдана Антківа: історіографічний дискурс
Other Titles: Творческая деятельность Богдана Анткива: историографический дискурс
Authors: Кирея, Марія Вікторівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Кирея М. Творча діяльність Богдана Антківа: історіографічний дискурс / Марія Кирея // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2018. - Вип. 1(38). - С.- 156–162.- Бібліогр. в кінці ст.
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка
Keywords: Богдан Антків
Богдан Анткив
Bohdan Antkiv
Series/Report no.: Мистецтвознавство;
Abstract: У статті проаналізовано діяльність Богдана Антківа в історіографічному дискурсі, базуючись на працях мистецтвознавців, культурологів і краєзнавців. Охарактеризовано творчий доробок діяча, простежено його мистецьке зростання в контексті становлення музично-театрального мистецтва Галичини. Висвітлено музичну, театральну, композиторську та диригентську діяльність Б. Антківа.
В статье проанализирована деятельность Богдана Анткива в историографическом дискурсе, основываясь на трудах искусствоведов, культурологов и краеведов. Охарактеризовано творчество деятеля, прослеживается его художественный рост в контексте становления музыкально-театрального искусства Галичины. Освещена музыкальная, театральная, композиторская и дирижерская деятельность Б. Анткива.
The urgency of the work is that importance of creative work of Bohdan Antkiv in the system of Ukrainian national musical culture is outlined. Conducted historiographical discussion provides a comprehensive assessment of the research problem, determines the stages of development in the field of professional musical and theatrical art on the territory of Galicia during the aforesaid period. The purpose of the article – to make analysis of Bohdan Antkiv’s activity, using the works of scientists and local historians. Bogdan Antkiv’s creativity was not the subject of a separate study and was not studied in full, but to his artistic path turned culturologists, scientists and admirers of culture. They showed still unknown pages of history of musical and theatrical art of Galicia in their publications and, in particular, the role of Bohdan Antkiv in the historiographical discussion. Musical and theatrical heritage of Galician artists occupies important place among the famous artists of Ukraine. We should consider creative achievements of the musician, actor, native of the village of Ostriv, Ternopil district (nowadays Ternopil district, Ternopil region) – Bohdan Antkiv. His works are of great importance and analyzed as a significant contribution both within a single region, that is Galicia, and in All-Ukrainian cultural context. A number of scholars and ethnographers made analysis of B. Antkiv’s creative work at different times. They showed the edges of the creative life and the artist’s biography pages in their works in the context of the musical and theatrical life of Galicia, and their importance for Ukrainian art. Oleh Smoliak shows in his monograph “Music traditions of the Antkiv’s family (village of Ostriv, Ternopil district, Ternopil region) cultural and educational activities of Bohdan Antkiv. The book “Bohdan Antkiv – the knight of the Galician scene”, dedicated to the 100-th anniversary of the birthday of the Honored Artist of Ukraine, under the guidance of the professor, People’s Artist of Ukraine Bohdan Kozak, is the collection of memories about Bohdan Antkiv and his own articles. Myroslava Pinkovska actively narrates about the periods of Antkiv’s life in Ternopil and Lviv region in the article “To the treasury of the Galician scene”. She emphasises the outstanding events from the Galician’s artistic life, describes his pro-Ukrainian position, musical, theatrical, amateur, and after that the professional activity. Liudmyla Vaniuha retraces development of Ukrainian theater life in Ternopil region, the influence of the political situation on the development of professional theatrical art in the middle of the XX-th century and the contribution of Bohdan Antkiv in artistic life of T. Shevchenko Ternopil regional music and drama theater in the article “The knight of the Galician scene”. The reminiscence about B. Antkiv were written by: Bohdan Kozak in “He was called a favorite of fate”, where the creative work of the Galician, his mood and conviction was analyzed; Borys Mirus in “The memories about my friend” and Fedir Stryhun in “Remember and honor”, relatives – Yurii Antkiv in the article “My father Bohdan Antkiv and his pedigree” and the granddaughter Yaryna Malkovych in her work “From the memories of my childhood”. Detailed analysis of theatrical life of Ternopil region was given for the first time by the Ukrainian playwright О. Kornienko in his book “T. Shevchenko Ternopil Theater”. The author introduces the repertoire of performances and their stage implementation, tells us about the best performances of the theater from foundation of the theater in the city of Ternopil till the year 1980. There are many articles, reviews and memoirs about the theater, creative work and colleagues in the Antkiv’s creative library, written by Bohdan Mykhailovych himself. Historiographical discourse of creativity Bohdan Antkiv’s activity allows us to evaluate comprehensively the multifaceted activities of the artist in the context of professionalization of the musical and theatrical art of Galicia, to outline the ways of further study of creative achievements of the outstanding artist.
ISSN: 2411-3271
Appears in Collections:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2018. № 1

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