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Назва: | Вокальні жанри княжої доби на сторінках "Історії української літератури" Михайла Грушевського |
Інші назви: | Вокальные жанры княжеского периода на страницах “Історії української літератури” Михаила Грушевского Vocal genres of princely era on the pages of “History of Ukrainian Literature” by Mykhailo Hrushevskyi |
Автори: | Кіндратюк, Богдан |
Бібліографічний опис: | Кіндратюк, Б. Вокальні жанри княжої доби на сторінках "Історії української літератури" Михайла Грушевського / Богдан Кіндратюк // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – 2017. – № 1 (Вип. 36). – С. 113–120. – Бібліогр. наприкінці ст. |
Дата публікації: | 2017 |
Видавництво: | Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка |
Ключові слова: | “Історія української літератури” М. Грушевський вокальні жанри княжа доба |
Серія/номер: | Мистецтвознавство; |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | У статті вперше досліджено “Історію української літератури” М. Грушевського як джерело відомостей про вокальні жанри княжої доби. Розглянутий матеріал з фольклору, писемної словесності, зокрема епосу, народної християнської поезії, легенд, полемічних праць інтерпретовано й уводиться в науковий обіг. Охарактеризовано давнє побутування в житті народу сольного й гуртового співу, його функції, виконавське мистецтво тощо. В статье впервые исследовано “Історію української літератури” М. Грушевского как источник сведений о вокальных жанрах княжеского периода. Изученный материал, касающийся фольклора, письменной словесности, в частности эпоса, народной христианской поэзии, легенд, полемических трудов интерпретирован и введен в научный оборот. Охарактеризировано давнее бытование сольного и коллективного пения, его функции, исполнительское искусство в жизни народа. The spiritual life of the people displayed by the outstanding researcher with the outlook of positivist historian M. Hrushevskyi (1866–1934) in the six-volume “History of Ukrainian Literature” contains a great amount of material from folklore, written literature, epics, folk Christian poetry and legends, polemical works. It includes valuable information not only on the development of literature or musical instruments, but often refers to singing. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to outline vocal genres in Princely times, namely solo and collective performance (ensemble and choir), to show its functions, use in everyday life, military and rituals, images of performers, to inform about the old singers, their skills. These studies bring us closer to assessing Ukrainian originality, showing “locality” of lyric tradition. Foremost, the multi-volume work of historian outlines the beginnings of art, its role as a means to improve mood, to increase energy, to strengthen social solidarity. It mentions existence of standard forms of ritual poetry and recitative genres (incantations, laments, glorifications, epic works) in ancient times. It emphasizes the close connection between text, rhythm and melody of old songs. Since ancient times, musical instruments were heard alongside singing and dancing. Music was an element of syncretism in both the old religion and the new one. Description of sound environment as a precondition for its reflection in music, faith in the power of sounds is found in epic works (they appeared on the territory of Princely Ukraine). Bylinas mention the participation of parishioners in divine services, performance of sacred hymns. The six-volume work shows the significance of handwritten prayer books, which were sometimes taken with bells and icons by Kyiv invaders. Development of music was facilitated by celebrations of various festive occasions. Respect for it and belief in the power of sounds were common. Skomorokhs played a significant role in the development of singing, but such professional communities were gradually banned. Impulses to the creation of epics are seen in situations where people under impressions of battle sang praises to the main battle heroes. This is how the events in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” are described. Performances of groups of “merry people” at meetings, weddings, funerals were prototypes of asking formulas that had a prominent role in the design of carols, influenced their motives and themes. There are also devout verses among the works of heroic-epic and religious-legendary trends. They were sung during church holidays, they sounded at feasts. The healing music is mentioned in the spiritual verses too. The work mentions singers-seers and the possibility of simultaneous creation and performance of monumental works like “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”. Thanks to variable melodious musicality of presentation and being filled with snatches of songs, this work is granted the high artistic value. It is believed that it was originally sung like Boyan’s songs. Studies of M. Hrushevskyi revealed that professional singers stayed at the courts of nobles and helped princes (knyazes) and boyars fill their grey days. This confirms the entertaining and health-improving role of singing. In the mentioned parts of “Galicia-Volyn Chronicle”, readers are informed about “the famous singer Mytusa”. There are chronicle settlements that serve as a certain echo of cities and villages being filled with music such as Zvenyhorod city, Skomorokhy village. References to vocal music in the literature have granted many usual epithets regarding its sound and inspired writers and poets to use nice motives, accurate metaphors. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8223 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2017. № 1 |
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