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Title: | Про музичну бібліотеку Володимира Садовського |
Authors: | Горак, Яким Романович |
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): | Горак, Я. Р. Про музичну бібліотеку Володимира Садовського [Текст] / Я. Р. Горак // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство / редкол.: М. Є. Станкевич, О. М. Голубець, Л. А. Кондрацька [та ін.] ; голов. ред. О. С. Смоляк. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ, 2014. – Вип. 1. – С. 3–11. – Бібліогр. в кінці ст. |
Issue Date: | 2014 |
Publisher: | Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка |
Series/Report no.: | Мистецтвознавство |
Abstract: | Охарактеризовано та простежено долю бібліотеки Володимира Садовського, яка донині не збереглася. В. Садовський проявив себе меценатом української культури, подарувавши Національному музею у Львові, бібліотеці Наукового товариства ім. Т. Шевченка значну кількість книжок різнобічної тематики з власної бібліотеки. Розглядаються два списки музичної бібліотеки, складені В. Садовським, які є свідченням його наміру систематизувати свою книгозбірню. Зібрано інформацію про зберігання окремих книжок з бібліотеки В. Садовського у деяких львівських закладах та інституціях. На основе документов в статье впервые охарактеризировано и отслежено судьбу биб- лиотеки Владимира Садовского, которая нынче не сохранилась. В. Садовский проявил себя меценатом украинской культуры, подарив Национальному музею во Львове, библиотеке Науч- ного общества им. Т. Шевченко большоое количество книг разносторонней тематики из соб- ственной библиотеки. Рассматриваются два списка музыкальной библиотеки, составленные В. Садовским, которые свидетельствуют о его намерении систематизировать собственную библиотеку. Собрано информацию о сохранении некоторых книг из библиотеки В. Садовского в некоторых львовских заведениях и институциях There are known very few artists-bibliophiles among the representatives of Ukrainian music culture of Galicia in XIX-the first half of the XXth century. Volodymyr (Domet) Ivanovych Sadovskyi was one of them. His library is now lost for us, but thanks to the two lists, created by the owner, we can at least partially know its contents. In the article the fate of Volodymyr Sadovskyi’s library, which didn’t survive to present days, is studied on the basis of documents. Sadovskyi’s library was quite sizable and included not only musical publications. It had the samples of scientific, theological, and art literature. The selection of early printed books was of special value. There was also a large collection of notes consisting of printed editions as well as handwritten samples by Ukrainian composers. Even during his lifetime, Sadovskyi’s library evoked the interest of both individual researchers and whole institutions. When the National Museum in Lviv was opened Sadovskyi presented it with different valuable material, as well as books from his own library (1399 books). During the war period, when Sadovskyi was exiled to Siberia for seven years (1915–1921), his library got to the National Museum where it was kept for some time. The important evidence of this fact was left by S. Ludkevych and I. Sventsitskyi. In 1921, evaluating Sadovskyi’s library, given as a present to the museum, I. Sventsitskyi noted that it «is one of the best libraries in Galician Ukraine after Franko’s library on Ukrainian studies, history and literature. In terms of its wholeness in different spheres of creative activity of human soul it approaches to the main general book collections». During the period of 1929–1934, V. Sadovskyi gave some part of the books and notes (483 items) from his library to the library of the Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko. This fact was mentioned in the «Chronicles of the Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko». By giving numerous books on various subjects from his personal library as a gift to National Museum in Lviv and the Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko, V. Sadovsyi showed himself as a patron of Ukrainian culture, trying to give the accumulated library to his native people. There are studied two lists of the music library, created by V. Sadovskyi himself. These lists show his unfinished attempt to systematize his collection. The first list was titled by its author «The list of the books from the library of Volodymyr Domet Sadovskyi». This list records 245 book titles systematized in three parts. The second list, «The Contents of the Library of Musical and Clerical Compositions», was preserved in the archive of documents and letters of the editorial office of «Artistic Gerald». This list gives no evidence that this is the list of V. Sadovskyi’s library. But the comparison with the first list shows a lot of common bibliographic positions, and thus gives the right to state that the two lists describe the same library. In sum, the list includes 256 book titles. The library contained books in different languages. Most books were in German, significantly less – in Russian, Polish, and Ukrainian. Since during his life V. Sadovskyi was so generous giving his books to different Ukrainian establishments and institutions as a present, there is the information about certain books from Sadovskyi’s library being kept in various establishments and institutions of Lviv. |
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Copyright owner: | © Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка |
Appears in Collections: | Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 1 |
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