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Title: Розвиток екологічної культури майбутніх педагогів та вихователів дошкільних закладів в умовах воєнного стану
Authors: Янкович, Олександра Іванівна
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Янкович О. Розвиток екологічної культури майбутніх педагогів та вихователів дошкільних закладів в умовах воєнного стану // Pedagogika społeczna . Warszawa, 2024. № 2 (92). P. 181192. DOI:
Issue Date: 2024
Keywords: environmental culture
environmental education
sustainable development
environmental consequences of war
Abstract: The article explores the development of environmental culture of future teachers and preschool teachers under martial law. The interpretation and structure of environmental culture as a complex (integral) formation, consisting of environmental knowledge and skills, environmental awareness, environmental thinking, environmental behavior, beliefs and personal qualities, environmental activities, multidimensional integral component of intellectual and spiritual culture of an individual, have been highlighted. The directions of the development of the environmental culture of future teachers and preschool teachers, which are pivotal in the context of modern social challenges, such as: studying the environmental consequences of war and ways to eliminate them; using ecotherapy to prevent and overcome the harmful impact of war on the psycho-emotional state of children and adults, have been identified. Innovations in the content, forms, methods, and means of developing students’ environmental culture have been found out. In the context of environmental education, the attention has been focused on the potential of Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Journal, collaborative classes of students from Ukraine and Poland using distance learning platforms, organization of scientific research by students from different countries, study of forest preschool education, and creating fairy tales on environmental topics.
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