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Title: The ethical dimension of globalisation in the teaching of Jana Paul II
Authors: Kądziołka, Władysław
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Kądziołka W. The ethical dimension of globalisation in the teaching of Jana Paul II // Стратегія розвитку держави в умовах новітніх викликів міжнародному порядку: політичний, правовий, економічний, гуманітарний, екологічний виміри : збірник тез доповідей Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції (5 травня 2020 року). Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2020. С. 111-116
Issue Date: 5-May-2020
Publisher: ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка
Keywords: Globalization
ethical standards
social value
Abstract: In the teaching of John Paul II's the need of solidarity globalization is particularly stressed out as well as that of humanization of globalization processes. With the aim of doing it, one should be guided by unchanging social values: the truth, freedom, justice, solidarity, subsidiarity, love. The globalization has two faces: - the benefits which it brings to the world, individual countries and its main beneficiaries, that is international corporations; - negative effects which the developing countries and all people of the world experience. Globalization processes change all levels of our lives in the world. They are extremely complex, they concern many aspects and planes of life: economic, cultural, political, social, it is difficult to grasp them as a whole. The scope of the phenomenon is as broad as possible, covering practically the whole world, all areas of life. John Paul II in his teaching on globalization constantly emphasizes that ethics requires that systems should be adapted to the needs of man, it does not allow to put the system above man. One of the obvious consequences of this postulate is the principle that ethical committees, which now exist in almost all fields, should be completely independent of all financial interests, ideologies and political options. Ethical reflection is based on two inseparable principles, firstly, the inalienable value of man and secondly, the values of human cultures.
ISBN: 981-536-4324-12-3
Appears in Collections:Стратегія розвитку держави в умовах новітніх викликів міжнародному порядку: політичний, правовий, економічний, гуманітарний, екологічний виміри

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