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Title: Зображення історичних осіб у сучасному монументальному церковному малярстві України. церква Архистратига Михаїла в селі Верин на Львівщині
Other Titles: Изображения исторических лиц в современной монументальной церковной живописи Украины. церковь Архистратига Михаила в селе Верин на Львовщине
Authors: Рудак, О. М.
Bibliographic description (Ukraine): Рудак О. М. Зображення історичних осіб у сучасному монументальному церковному малярстві України. церква Архистратига Михаїла в селі Верин на Львівщині // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2014. № 3. C. 273–278.
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка
Keywords: церква
монументальні церковні розписи
діячі історії та культури
монументальные церковные росписи
деятели истории и культуры
monumental church paintings
historical figures
culture figures
Series/Report no.: Мистецтвознавство;
Abstract: У статті розглянуто історичні та іконографічні аспекти зображення історикокультурних та політичних діячів у монументальному церковному малярстві України. Проаналізовано специфіку, стилістику, мистецьку цінність та значення цих зображень для монументального церковного мистецтва. Закцентовано увагу на постатях сучасних діячів політики, культури, мистецтва в монументальних церковних розписах. Проаналізовано розписи церкви Архистратига Михаїла в селі Верин на Львівщині, де зображено сучасних політиків, історичних діячів та діячів церкви.
В статье рассмотрены исторические и иконографические аспекты изображения историко-культурных и политических деятелей в монументальной церковной живописи Украины. Проанализирована специфика, стилистика, художественная ценность и значение этих изображений для монументального церковного искусства. Сакцентировано внимание на фигурах современных деятелей политики, культуры, искусства в монументальных церковных росписях. Детально проанализированы росписи церкви Архистратига Михаила в селе Верин на Львовщине, где изображены современные политики, исторические деятели и деятели церкви.
The article highlights historical and iconic aspects of portrayal of historical, cultural, and political figures in the Ukrainian monumental church painting. The specific features, stylistics, artistic value and meaning of portrayals for monumental church art are analyzed. The attention is drawn to current political, cultural, artistic figures in the monumental church paintings. The detailed analysis of the paintings of the The Archistrategos Michael’s Church in the village of Veryn in Lviv region is given. Ukrainian sacred painting always depicted not only saints but also people that played important part in the Ukrainian history. Geographical and political location of Ukraine between the western Rome-catholic and the eastern Greek-byzantine traditions put it on the crossroads of two cultural traditions. The portrayal of specific historical figures in the Ukrainian sacred painting began with the Kyiv Rus. After the Baptizing it became possible to see positive features in the Ukrainian sacred visual culture. On frescoes in St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery and St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv princes (knyaz) and their family are depicted. One of the well-known early portraits of Yaroslav the Wise’s family is on the frescoes in St. Sophia’s Cathedral. In the 17th century a new popular and peculiar type of icons appeared. It was icon-portrait of the Cossack’s Godmother which obtained secular character and was spread mainly in the eastern Ukraine. Such portrayals are also found in monumental paintings. In the 18th century in the central part of Ukraine was a tradition to depict top officials as if they were saints, for example paintings in the Gate Church of the Trinity in Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Prominent people were also portrayed in the appearance of saints. The attempt to restore Ukraine after the World War I led to reestablishment of the theme «nation» among artists, majority of which was in the midst of the military and political events during the liberation movement. The paintings with the historical topic appeared such as «The Union of Brest» and «The Unification Act». Among the churches with these pictures can be singled out wall paintings of the Church of Christ’s Heart in the city of Zhovkva in Lviv region. Nowadays the tradition to paint saints in churches together with parishioners becomes more and more popular. As the example the Archistrategos Michael’s Church in the village of Veryn in Lviv region can be mentioned. It is a brick church in a shape of a wooden church popular in the 19th century. The paintings of this church depict contemporary politicians, historical figures, and clergymen. Under the dome there is an interesting composition of The Last Supper. Around the table with Jesus and his disciples are observed 28 Ukrainian saints who were sainted by The Pope during his visit to Ukraine. In the «episode» of the baptizing of Rus parishioners’ faces are found, which continues the tradition of depicting people near saints. In other countries religious worship of politicians, cultural figures, and current presidents can also be found. For example the president of Belarus Lukashenko in 1996 was depicted on the six-stored building height woven linen. There is an unusual fresco on which V. Lenin cuts St. Luka’s beard in the Godmother Church in the city of Aksiupol in Greece. Specialists think it symbolizes the church haunting by the Soviet Bolsheviks. The picture of Sergiy Kulagin, the chief executor of the administration in Kustanay region in Kazakhstan, got on the fresco in the church of St. John in the city of Rudne.
Appears in Collections:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 3

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