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Назва: Українська вокальна традиція в російському музичному просторі XVIII–XX ст.: проблема «культурного донорства»
Інші назви: Украинская вокальная традиция в русском музыкальном пространстве XVIII–XX вв. : проблема «культурного донорства»
Автори: Калин, Р. Й.
Бібліографічний опис: Калин Р. Й. Українська вокальна традиція в російському музичному просторі XVIII–XX ст.: проблема «культурного донорства» // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2014. № 3. C. 138–145.
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавництво: ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка
Ключові слова: «культурне донорство»
українська культура
вокальні традиції
Большой театр у Москві
«культурное донорство»
украинская культура
вокальные традиции
Большой театр в Москве
«cultural donation»
Ukrainian culture
vocal traditions
Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow
Серія/номер: Мистецтвознавство;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті розглянуто явище «культурного донорства» українців в російському музичному просторі XVIII–ХХ ст у сфері вокального мистецтва. Охарактеризовано витоки вказаного процесу та його розповсюдження. Крізь призму «донорства» проаналізовано діяльність українських співаків у Большому театрі в Москві.
В статье рассмотрено явление «культурного донорства» украинцев в российском музыкальном пространстве XVIII–ХХ вв. в сфере вокального искусства. Охарактеризованы истоки указанного процесса и его распространение. Сквозь призму «донорства» проанализирована деятельность украинских певцов в Большом театре в Москве.
Contemporary political situation with particular topicality determined the importance of cultural self-identification for society development. Levelling of cultural peculiarities of Ukrainians, misappropriation of history has become the basis for the age-old enslavement of Ukraine and tragical events of contemporaneity. Misappropriation of talents has become an important factor of Russian imperial policy, which can be defined as the phenomenon of «cultural donation». Recognition of Ukrainian singers as Russian artists not only deprived of their national affiliation. It also deprived the whole Ukrainian culture of its natural development, and Ukraine – its true history. The increase in a number of vocal talents, who won fame for the Russian Empire and USSR special singing talent, has assumed the widest scope. L. Horenko pays special attention to the problem of «cultural donation». On the basis of study of historical documentary and archive sources of the leading establishments of Ukraine, she claims about systematic attraction of Ukrainian musical culture figures to Moscow and Petersburg. The process of replenishment of Moscow with Ukrainian singers began in the middle of XVI century. The most powerful centers in Ukraine, which trained choristers for the capital secular chapels as well as church and monastery choirs, have become Hlukhiv Singing School founded in 1738 by a decree of the Empress Anna Ivanivna, and since 1770-s – Kharkiv Latin School, where instrumental classes were opened. The former existed till the end of XVIII century. At the end of XIX – the beginning of XX century, in the process of Ukrainian vocal professionalism formation, Ukrainian-Russian vocal art relations have moved to a new level. Ukrainian singers began to actively replenish opera companies of the Bolshoi and Mariyinskyy Theatres. The process became a culmination in the second half of XX century in activity of the Bolshoi Theatre of USSR. From the beginning, the theatre was the center of multinational vocal traditions among which the Ukrainian one played a particular role. At the turn of XIX–XX century, the theatre reaches its golden age. The names of F. Shalyapina, L. Sobinova, A. Nezhdanova, become well-known in the world. At the beginning of XX century, theatre audience has already known such descendants from Ukraine as L. Zvyahina, Ye. Azerska, A Koshyts (choirmaster O. Koshyts’s brother), A. Didur, S. Myhai, A. Nezhdanova, etc. By the middle of XX century, a number of changes connected with the formation of USSR have happened. At the time, such prominent figures as A. Nezhdanova and I. Kozlovskyy made performances. The second half of XX century was identified as a fruitful period of a vocal culture of the imperial USSR, the repertoire of which was replenished with the operas of S. Prokofyev, D. Shostakovych, M. Myaskovskyi, etc. Among the others, a galaxy of talents, such as Yu. Mazurok, B. Rudenko, P. Skusnichenko, H. Chornoba, L. Shemchuk, L. Bozhko, etc. The Bolshoi Theatre has become the starting point for European and world performance of many performers at the end of 1980–1990-s after raising of the «iron curtain». As one of the illuminating examples of vigorous activity of the representatives of Ukrainian vocal school in the Bolshoi Theatre, the performance staff of «A Masked Ball» by J. Verdi staged in 1979 has been analyzed in the article. Ukrainian vocal school representatives actively participated in the activity of the Bolshoi Theatre and therefore continued the tradition of «cultural donation» of Ukrainians in Russia.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18888
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 3

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