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Назва: Роль засобів масової інформації в музично-освітніх процесах української західної діаспори
Інші назви: Роль средств массовой информации в музикально-образовательных процессах украинской западной диаспоры
Автори: Обух, Л. В.
Бібліографічний опис: Обух Л. В. Роль засобів масової інформації в музично-освітніх процесах української західної діаспори // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2014. № 2. C. 9–15.
Дата публікації: 2014
Видавництво: ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка
Ключові слова: засоби масової інформації
музично-освітні процеси
культурно-освітній простір
західна діаспора
средства массовой информации
музыкально-образовательные процессы
культурно-образовательное пространство
западная диаспора
means of mass media information
musical-education process
cultural-educational world
Western Diaspora
Серія/номер: Мистецтвознавство;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті приділено увагу засобам масової інформації в українській західній діаспорі, що уможливлюють інтеграційні процеси національної культури у світовий освітній простір. Серед емігрантської періодики та радіомовлення виокремлено дитячий журнал «Веселка» (США), українську редакцію «Радіо Пряшів» (Словаччина), ряд україно-американських радіопрограм.
В статье уделено внимание средствам массовой информации в украинской западной диаспоре, что делают возможными интеграционные процессы национальной культуры в мировое образовательное пространство. Среди эмигрантской периодики и радиовещания выделен детский журнал «Радуга» (США), украинская редакция «Радио Пряшев» (Словакия), ряд украино-американских радиопрограмм.
It is very difficult to overestimate the role of newspapers and periodicals TV and Radio Broadcast mass media taking into consideration current historical events around the world. Though there is an expression «He who owns information reigns the world», it is often used with the aim to impact on public awareness. However due to modern mass media the society can get not only the latest informational access to current events around Ukraine and the world, but also the possibility to widen the scope in any sphere of life, in music as well. In this article a significant attention is paid to mass media information in Western Ukrainian Diaspora which makes integration process of national culture worldwide possible. A great role in keeping diaspora musical culture played immigrants print media the which can be refereed three key principles: the idea of freedom and the principle of good will of people, human attitude towards the inhabitants in Ukraine, to cover the life of Ukraine and its people in objective light. These principles to were also helpful in developing Ukrainian education in immigration, including musical one. The USA mass media is the greatest in number abroad Ukraine. It has been playing one of the key roles in the life of Ukrainian immigrants due to which people all over the world can get acquainted with the history and culture of the Ukrainians. Alongside with print media not less importance is given to Radio and TV, lately – internet broadcast in cultural educational activity – of the Diaspora. Ukrainian Radio broadcast started in the 1930’s. Programs, of an hour or half an hour duration, are broadcast on AM-stations where there are ethnic programs. It is the news from Ukraine, the news about the Diaspora community life, some mast important American and world news, Ukrainian songs and musical compositions, literature and poetry, different interviews or comments advertisement and greetings. Among the immigrant periodical press and Radio broadcast «Veselka» (USA) magazine for children. «Radio Priashiv» (Slovakia) Ukrainian version, a number of Ukraine-American radio programs are marked out. Children’s ethnic magazine «Veselka» (The Rainbow) appeared in 1954 sponsored by «Svoboda». The fresh issue was published monly offering poems, short assays, wonderful fairy tales, and plays in pictures, interesting tales and articles, riddles, jokes. It also contained a reader column where children wrote in with questions and own comments about their life. The column was a fascinating resource for examining attitudes and experiences of Ukrainian immigrant children. The magazine was a result of cooperation editors and writers, illustrators and its readers that is children themselves. A valuable educational tool was the fact that the magazine offered different musical pieces on its pages – folk short songs for children often harmonized by K. Stetsenko, M. Hgayvoronsky, and O. Zalesky. They also published «music to songs» by I. Nedelsky, O. Nyzhankivsky, V. Bezkorovayny, J. Jaroslavenko, I. Hgrynyshyn, and musical operetta for children «Little Red Riding Hood», V. Bezkorovayny (librettos, L. Poltava) and others. Information about composers especially M. Lysenko and his creative works for children, M. Gayvoronsky, singer M. Mentsynsky was rather interesting and profound. The magazine was and is an excellent and important for using this source far music up brining Ukrainian children’s ethnic identity in immigration. In American radio programmer «Ethnic Voice of Connecticut» Richard Kerry from Stamford, broadcast «American Ukrainian Show» (1971–1991) performed by Ukrainian musicians and also concert recordings from Ukraine. Ukrainians in the USA had not only their own radio broadcasts but took part in them themselves. Since 1930’s – 1940’s the St. Kyryl and Mefodiy church chorus, Oliyphant (Pennsylvania), «Cossack» chorus, Chicago took part in «I hear America singing» programmer broadcast not only across all the states but across all Europe. One could hear the Ukrainian chorus and orchestra performances over Radio City Music Hall in New York and other programs as well in which Ukrainian composers music has still been performed, recording of outstanding Ukrainian singers, musicians and groups are heard. In Slovakia a Ukrainian (Carpato-Rusin) studio was opened on the Koshytsa radio station broadcasting across all trains Carpathian at that time. The studio went on its broadcast with insignificant breaks during the war. It was restored for Ukrainians in Priashev in 1945. Ukrainian «Radio Priashiv» editorial staff sent over six hour programmer every week (news, commentaries, music, literary readings, etc.). Its organizer and editor-in-chief for a long time was A. Rudlovchak. It is a very difficult not to value to its utmost the role of Mass Media information in cultural educational process. The season is that it was and is the very linking ties that wake make the integration of the national culture in to the educational world possible.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/18747
Розташовується у зібраннях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 2

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