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Назва: Соціально-економічне та суспільно-політичне становище жінки на території західних областей Української РСР (середина 1940-х – перша половина 1950-х рр.)
Інші назви: Социально-экономическое и общественно-политическое положение женщины на территории западных областей Украинской ССР (середина 1940-х – первая половина 1950-х гг.)
Socio-economic and socio-political position of women in the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR (mid-1940s – first half of the 1950s)
Автори: Дурдас, Галина Василівна
Durdas, H. V.
Бібліографічний опис: Дурдас Г. В. Соціально-економічне та суспільно-політичне становище жінки на території західних областей Української РСР (середина 1940-х – перша половина 1950-х рр.) : дис. ... канд. іст. наук : 07.00.01 : 03 / Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка. Тернопіль, 2021. 319 с.
Дата публікації: 2021
Ключові слова: жіноча історія
західні області УРСР
середина 1940-х – перша половина 1950-х рр.
ідеологічна робота
кадрова політика
відділи з роботи серед жінок
жіночі ради
делегатські збори
суспільно-політичні процеси
народне господарство
женская история
западные области УССР
середина 1940-х – первая половина 1950-х гг.
идеологическая работа
кадровая политика
отделы по работе среди женщин
женские рады
делегатские сборы
общественно-политические процессы
народное хозяйство
women’s history
western regions of the USSR
mid-1940s – first half of the 1950s
ideological work
staff policy
women’s work departments
women’s councils
delegates’ meetings
socio-political processes
Короткий огляд (реферат): У дисертації на основі комплексного аналізу низки джерел, вітчизняних та зарубіжних праць досліджено політику радянської влади щодо жінок та їх вплив на соціально-економічні та суспільно-політичні трансформації західноукраїнського регіону в середині 1940-х – першій половині 1950-х рр. Окреслено основні шляхи, форми та методи ідеологічного впливу на жінок. Розкрито участь жіноцтва у комплектуванні кадрів партійних, державних та господарських структур. Висвітлено роль жіноцтва у суспільно-політичних та соціальних процесах західних областей УРСР. Простежено процес залучення жінок до відбудови та розвитку народного господарства.
В диссертации на основе комплексного анализа ряда источников, отечественных и зарубежных работ исследовано политику советской власти в отношении женщин и ее влияние на социально-экономические и общественно-политические трансформации западноукраинского региона в середине 1940-х – первой половине 1950-х гг. Определены основные пути, формы и методы идеологического влияния на женщин. Раскрыто участие женщин в комплектовании кадров партийных, государственных и хозяйственных структур. Освещена роль женщин в общественно-политических и социальных процессах западных областей УССР. Прослежен процесс привлечение женщин к восстановлению и развитию народного хозяйства.
The thesis shows the main forms of ideological influence on women, the activities of visiting «fighters of the ideological front», as well as the recruitment of local women to this process. It has been studied that women’s views were formed under the influence of generally accepted social roles, ways of thinking and imposed «from above» patterns of behavior. It analyzes image making processes «a worker-a social personality-a mother», which was formed in Ukraine (at that time UkSSR) in 1920–1930s. It shows the participation of women in staff of the party, government and economic institutions, cultural and educational agencies and institutions of health care. The motives of the Soviet government’s staff policy among the women of Western Ukraine are revealed. It shows the main difficulties females faced in the context of staff processes in a totalitarian regime. The study highlights the process of formation and activity of women’s structures namely departments for work among women, delegate meetings, women’s councils. The involvement of women in the party organizations and institutions, public associations, participation in the post-war election campaigns is also characterized. The so-called «dual membership» of women as the part of the nationalist undergrounds (due to their views) and in the Soviet structures (due to objective circumstances) is considered. A number of legislative documents directly related to the legal regulation of the principle of equality and its application in practice are analyzed. Typical problems of the functioning of the institution of the motherhood in the post-war years are outlined. The main measures in the field of maternity and childhood protection aimed at cultivating the role of women-mothers and ways of their implementation in everyday practice are described. The peculiarities of the organization of work on the elimination of illiteracy and low literacy among women are considered, as well as the significant positive and negative aspects of this process are clarified. Statistic data covering quantitative indicators of the number of women engaged in the economy, staff of the regions covered advocacy activities, those presented to the state awards etc are given. The strategies of women’s survival and particular mutual assistance (on the example of the activity of women's councils, which, despite being fully under the party ideology, were engaged in solving many urgent post-war problems) are highlighted. The position of women in the mid-1940s – first half of the 1950s is considered through the views of socio-political, social and economic changes in Western Ukrainian society. Women’s experience of the period is studied in terms of their attitude to the Soviet power indicated by different circumstances – conscious, the «voluntary-compulsory» order and emotions. The dissertation research makes it possible to understand that despite the use of punitive and repressive measures by the official authorities, violation of women’s rights and freedoms, consumer use of their professional and labor potential, they remained active participants in social transformations. Methods of involving females in the reconstruction and development of the national economy by the Soviet power are clarified. The process of improving their professional level, mastering «male» professions is analyzed. Forms and methods of the influence of the party-soviet system on the women of Western Ukraine villages are described, in particular formation of initiative groups, spouses, forced involvement in collectivization of agriculture, and organizational work for filling the industrial enterprises. Quantity and quality of the participation of female in competition, examples of personal achievements in certain areas, which are issued as the state government achievements are given. The main provisions, conclusions of the dissertation, source materials introduced into scientific use, can be used in writing generalizing works on the history of Ukraine, women’s and gender history. The results of scientific research can serve as a source for the preparation of special educational disciplines, thematic exhibitions, be useful in the activities of women’s and public organizations, use the media to cover women's historical experience in the Soviet totalitarian regime.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17631
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