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dc.contributor.authorКотик, Любов-
dc.identifier.citationКотик Л. З маловідомих економіко-географічних праць академіка Степана Рудницького– «нафта Східної Галичини» // Міждисциплінарні інтеграційні процеси у системі географічної, туризмологічної та екологічної науки: матеріали ІІ- ї міжнародної науковопрактичної конференції (м. Тернопіль, 15 жовтня 2020 р.). Тернопіль : Вектор, 2020. С. 119-133.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractLittle known to the general scientific community the work of S. Rudnytskyi’s «Oil of Eastern Halychyna» thoroughly analyzed and its relevance for contemporaries disclosed. On the preconditions of writing scientific intelligence attention is drawn, in particular participation of the scientist in the state formation of the Western Ukrainian People’s Republic and publication of the magazine «Ukrainian Flag». It is noted that in the work, which consists of four semantically balanced sections S. Rudnytsky performed a detailed geological and geomorphological analysis of oil fields in Halychyna in terms of individual subregions: Lemkivshchyna, Syanshchyna, Boykivshchyna and Hutsulshchyna. It is argued, that in the study of the development of oil production in the region the scientist emphasizes the introduction of new technologies of oil production, modernization of engineering and transport infrastructure of the industry, formation of geologistics. It is noted, that region Eastern Halychyna from a socio-economic point of view S. Rudnytsky considers it large and potentially important regional industrial cluster of mining and chemical direction, and the oil industry itself — as the basis of economic independence of the Halychyna’s state. Attention is paid to the coverage in the work of scientists problems of balanced development of the territory at the regional and local levels and destructive technogenic impact on the environment of oil production and refining processes. It is substantiated that scientific intelligence can be achieved one of the few economicgeographical and geo-economic works of S. Rudnytsky devoted to the processes of industrialization Eastern Halychyna and the region’s entry into the world energy market.uk_UA
dc.subjectStepan Rudnytskyuk_UA
dc.subjectEastern Halychynauk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic geographyuk_UA
dc.subjectoil productionuk_UA
dc.subjectoil refininguk_UA
dc.titleЗ маловідомих економіко-географічних праць академіка Степана Рудницького– «нафта Східної Галичини»uk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Міждисциплінарні інтеграційні процеси у системі географічної, туризмологічної та екологічної науки

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