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dc.contributor.authorГашенко, Катерина-
dc.contributor.authorЛисенко, Олена-
dc.identifier.citationГашенкоК., Лисенко О. Прояв рис постмодернізму в сучасній українській хореографії / Катерина Гашенко, Олена Лисенко // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2018. - Вип. 1(38). - С.- 140–146.- Бібліогр. в кінці ст.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті досліджено основні аспекти прояву постмодерних рис у сучасній українській хореографії. Розглянуто розвиток постмодернізму в світовому контексті. Охарактеризовані підходи до трактування поняття “сучасна хореографія” та “постмодерн хореографія”. Зафіксовано прагнення балетмейстерів України сьогодення перейти від запозичення зарубіжних зразків до створення оригінальних творів у естетиці постмодернізму.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье исследованы основные аспекты проявления постмодернистских черт в современной украинской хореографии. Рассмотрено развитие постмодернизма в мировом контексте. Охарактеризованы подходы к трактовке понятия “современная хореография” и “постмодерн хореография”. Зафиксировано стремление балетмейстеров Украины настоящего перейти от заимствования зарубежных образцов к созданию оригинальных произведений в эстетике постмодернизма.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIdentification of the main aspects of the manifestation of postmodernism features in choreography of Ukraine has been explored in the paper. Development of postmodernism in the context of the world culture. The approaches to the interpretation of the “modern choreography” and “postmodern choreography” have been characterized, and manifestations of postmodern choreography in Ukraine have been revealed. The paper has established the desire of ballet masters of Ukraine to move from borrowing foreign models to creating original works in aesthetics of post-modernism. The issue of comprehension of contemporary dance in Ukraine is topical, since it is important to understand modern choreography, the language of stylistic forms and means of their embodiment in the process of development of statehood, formation of our own artistic culture and in attempts to engage to the European community. Modern choreography is a dynamic art form. Masters of modern ballet are in constant creative search. Areas of the development of choreography coincide with the main trends in the development of contemporary culture. According to N. Mankovska, postmodern ballet searches focus on the philosophical nature of dance as synthesis of the spiritual and the physical, the natural and the artificial, the past and the present. Artistic explorations of Ukrainian choreographers have been also intensified thanks to the experience of modern foreign stage directors. They began to manifest themselves in different types of choreographic art, enriched with new plastic techniques that greatly expand their lexical and imaginative capabilities. It can be noted that the most striking features of post-modernism have manifested even in stage productions of choreographers, who are currently considered apologists for this area (M. Bejart, M. Ek, W. Forsythe, J. Neumeier, J. Kilian, etc.). Their work has become a valuable example and practical basis in mastering the principles of contemporary dance for domestic choreographers. But modern choreography of Ukraine does not remain aloof from the world trends in the development of dance art. Performances of contemporary dance choreographers working in Ukraine, such as R. Poklitaru, A. Ovchynnykova, K. Shyshkariova and others will require art review understanding and interpretation through the prism of world trends in the development of modern choreography, in particular postmodernism. With all the abundance of movements and trends in contemporary choreographic art, two tendencies of development may be defined: – development of unique expressiveness of the movement, the search for meaning, self-sufficient artistic value therein; – development of dance in the theatrical direction or existence of choreographic drama elements, naturally due to its scenic nature. Movements of such dance find strength and meaning in the context of meaningfulness of a choreographic work. They become stage movements, not necessarily the dance ones. The non-classical type of thinking is mainly present in the post-modern choreography, presupposing the existence of various synthetic, transitional methods; this is due to blurring the distinctions between any existing systems, including choreography. The formation and development of modern national choreography in Ukraine is a synthesis of European schools of the twentieth century, namely schools of modern dance, jazz dance, dance forms of contemporary and improvisation, as well as the domestic classical school, which allows the ballet master to switch from direct borrowing of foreign models to creating original works in the post-modern aesthetics. This paper only outlines directions for further research with the identification of post-modern features in modern choreography of Ukraine.uk_UA
dc.publisherТернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюкаuk_UA
dc.subjectсучасна хореографіяuk_UA
dc.subjectрозвиток хореографії постмодернізмуuk_UA
dc.subjectестетика постмодернізмуuk_UA
dc.subjectсовременная хореографияuk_UA
dc.subjectразвитие хореографии постмодернизмаuk_UA
dc.subjectэстетика постмодернизмаuk_UA
dc.subjectmodern choreographyuk_UA
dc.subjectdevelopment of choreography of postmodernismuk_UA
dc.subjectaesthetics of postmodernismuk_UA
dc.titleПрояв рис постмодернізму в сучасній українській хореографіїuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПроявление черт постмодернизма в современной украинской хореографииuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2018. № 1

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