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dc.contributor.authorLevchyk, Iryna-
dc.identifier.citationLevchyk I. Correlation of Psychologists-Mediators’ Communication Strategy with Selection of Conversation Frames for Esl Psychology Students Training. / Iryna Levchyk // Annals of the University of Craiova – Series Philology, Linguistics. – Craiova: Editure Universitaria, 2017, Tom XXXIX, Nr. 1-2. – P. 274–286.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article describes the main feature sof correlation between the psychologists-mediators’ communication strategy and the selection of conversation frames for ESL psychology students training at universities, in accordance with the mediator’s communication style, which is defined as a scheme of specificactions in speech that corresponds to a determined sequence of professional verb alactivity. Besides, the choice of communication style or, in other terms, communication strategy affects the outcome of the process of negotiations on the subject of conflictre solution, depending on the stage of mediation procedure and the conflict parties’ model of speaking behaviour. The selection of conversation frames as well as other lexicall earning materialsfor ESL Psychology students training should be strongly correlated with a mediator’s adequate communication strategy.uk_UA
dc.subjectcommunication strategyuk_UA
dc.subjectconversational framesuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of speaking behaviouruk_UA
dc.titleCorrelation of Psychologists-Mediators’ Communication Strategy with Selection of Conversation Frames for Esl Psychology Students Traininguk_UA
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