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dc.contributor.authorЄвгеньєва, Марія Василівна-
dc.identifier.citationЄвгеньєва, М. Концертно-виконавська діяльність бандуриста Мирослава Постолана / Марія Євгеньєва // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. – 2017. – № 1 (Вип. 36). – С. 92–100. – Бібліогр. наприкінці ст.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті висвітлено життєвий і творчий шлях відомого музиканта, педагога, культурно-громадського діяча, популяризатора бандурного мистецтва Мирослава Постолана. Здійснено огляд музичного інструментарію бандуриста та проаналізовано його репертуар. Розкрито основні етапи концертної діяльності Мирослава Постола в діаспорі та в Україні. Визначено, що митець не лише сформував власний неповторний виконавський стиль, збагачений різноманітними впливами, а й зумів передати його учням.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractСтатья освещает жизненный и творческий путь известного музыканта, педагога, культурно-общественного деятеля, популяризатора бандурного искусства Мирослава Постолана. Рассмотрены музыкальные инструменты бандуриста и проанализирован его репертуар. Раскрыты главные этапы концертной деятельности Мирослава Постолана в диаспоре и в Украине. Определено, что художник сформировал не только собственный неповторимый исполнительский стиль, обогащенный различными влияниями, но и сумел передать его ученикам.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis article covers the life and career of the bandura player, teacher, cultural and social activist, promoter of bandura art, Honorary Member of “Plast” (National Scouting Organisation of Ukraine) – Myroslav Danylovych Postolan. The article also covers the creative activity of this extraordinary personality associated with the UK, following the emigration of his parents from Ternopil, Ukraine during the Second World War. For his tireless efforts in promoting the bandura in many cities and towns, the media often called the artist “pioneer of Kobzar Art in England”. From 2003 the bandurist returned to live in Zhukiv (the birthplace of his mother), Ternopil region, Ukraine. Myroslav Danylovych Postolan was born 14 October, 1949 in Chirk, North Wales (Valliya) from where the family would soon move to England because of work commitments by his coalminer father. His first musical experiences were initiated by his mother Stefania Ozemblowska (nee) who (although in exile) tried to instill patriotic fervour, sang folk songs, taught their native language, and shaped her son’s artistic outlook. At the age of 14 he had become a self-taught guitarist, and duly joined the youth scout movement “Plast” where he sang in the choir under the directionship of Jaroslav Babuniak (1924–2012). Mr. Babuniak’s knowledge, energy and commitment to Ukrainian music would later lead to Myroslav joining the Homin Male Voice Choir in Manchester. It was here that many tips on playing technique and bandura arrangements were encouraged and taught by Mr. Babuniak. When 20 years old, Myron acquired his first bandura made by Vasyl Hlyad from Gloucester (originally Poltava) and so began the first proper lessons on bandura with Victor Mishalow – albeit by postal correspondence and ferrying cassette tape recordings to and from Australia. From 1970, Myroslav began to perform solo and also in various ensembles in the British diaspora. Along with his brother Mychailo, Myroslav joins the Ukrainian Cossack Brotherhood performing kozak songs and dances at cabaret venues throughout Britain. Dancers included Mychailo and Volodymyr Shevchuk, and singers Zenon Pantella, Roman Kalyta and the Postolan brothers. In the second half of the 1980’s, Myroslav established the “Bandura Fellowship of Great Britain” which was heavily involved with writing about all aspects relating to bandura and its subsequent promotion. Also at this time, Myroslav instigated the formation of a folk instrumental quartet “Selo” which included three bandurists and Vasyl Wowczuk from Gloucester on Ukrainian lira (hurdy-gurdy). A secondary group of young bandurists “Small Selo” was also initiated in preparation for a tour of Ukraine in 1992 along with the Dnipro choir from Oldham. For over 30 years Myroslav and Michael Postolan played as a duo at various concerts (Ukrainian and English) culminating in performances all over Britain commemorating the 1000 Years of Christianity of Rus’-Ukraine. A special mention is given here regarding the friendship, support and concert performances with the renowned tenor/bandurist Volodymyr Luciv who (as Myroslav fondly recalls) helped to raise playing technique and stage presence. In 2003, Myroslav emigrated from England to Zhukiv (Berezhanschyna) in Ukraine. Here, he teaches bandura playing to youngsters in the local villages and takes part in concerts with his wife Oksana, and accompanies the female trio “Mriya” on bandura. In 2005 he founded the first Museum of Kobzar Art in the Ternopil region. For over 30 years, Myroslav has passed on his knowledge and skills to youngsters and adults alike which resulted in over 30 bandurists in the UK alone. Myroslav also launched the re-introduction of Kharkiv style instruments and style of playing to future bandurists in Ternopil region and beyond. Along with his wife Oksana, Myroslav has helped to reinstate the presence of “Plast” in the Berezhany district, promote Green Tourism and conducts annual training for adolescents and youth engaged in volunteering. Myroslav Postolan is a recognized bandure player, teacher, artistic and social activist whose energy and enthusiasm continues to inspire younger generations in the field of Ukrainian music.uk_UA
dc.publisherТернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюкаuk_UA
dc.subjectМирослав Постоланuk_UA
dc.subjectконцертна діяльністьuk_UA
dc.titleКонцертно-виконавська діяльність бандуриста Мирослава Постоланаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeКонцертно-исполнительская деятельность бандуриста Мирослава Постоланаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeConcert and educational activities of bandura player Myroslav Postolanuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2017. № 1

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