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dc.contributor.authorTieliezhkina, Оlesia O.-
dc.contributor.authorDolhopol, Olena O.-
dc.contributor.authorHerasymchuk, Tetiana V.-
dc.contributor.authorBerestova, Alla A.-
dc.contributor.authorGoltvenytska, Margarita V.-
dc.identifier.citationCreative Teaching Methods in the Formation of Language and Speech Competencies: Experience Working with Arab Students / О. O. Tieliezhkina et al. // Arab World English Journal (AWEJ). 2022. Vol.13. N. 2. P. 473–489. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.24093/awej/vol13no2.33uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article raises the topical issue of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to Arab students. Representatives of the Arab world have specific features in behavior, attitude to the organization of the educational process associated with cultural traditions, and upbringing. The Ukrainian system of higher education offers high-quality training. Among scientists, teachers, and methodologists, discussions are underway to choose the most effective methods of teaching international students the Ukrainian language. The study of creative methods of teaching Arabic students Ukrainian as a foreign language is very important, as it has not yet been the subject of a separate scientific study, and has not been covered in a separate article. The goal of our article is to outline the most effective methods of forming language and speech competencies for Arab students. The goal involves completing tasks: 1) to define language and speech competence; 2) to identify the effective use of language learning creative methods (classroom and distance education); 3) to check the effectiveness of the use of creative teaching methods in the formation of language and speech competencies of Arab students in listening, reading, speaking and writing. According to the authors of the article, creative methods are methods that meet the psychological, age, and mental characteristics of Arab students. We concluded that the active use of creative methods in the educational process gives positive results informed language and speech competencies, due to which international students have the opportunity to study and communicate in Ukrainian-speaking environment. We consider such results to prove.uk_UA
dc.subjectcreative teaching methodsuk_UA
dc.subjectlanguage competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectlearning a foreign languageuk_UA
dc.subjectspeech competenceuk_UA
dc.subjectteaching Arab studentsuk_UA
dc.titleCreative Teaching Methods in the Formation of Language and Speech Competencies: Experience Working with Arab Studentsuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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