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dc.contributor.authorГах, Р. В.-
dc.identifier.citationГах Р. В. Психологічні характеристики спортсменів з високою частотою досягнення стану потокy // Інноваційні підходи до процесу спортивного тренування : матеріали Всеукраїнського науково-практичного семінару (5-6 грудня 2024 року). Тернопіль : ТАЙП, 2024. С. 14-16uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe presented work is devoted to the theoretical study of the psychological characteristics of athletes with a high frequency of achieving the flow state. In the process of studying this issue, the flow state is considered as a psychological phenomenon, the conditions for its achievement are outlined, as well as the psychological characteristics of this state, which are specific to sports activities. The psychological characteristics of athletes with a high frequency of achieving the flow state are determined, namely: developed internal (autotelic) motivation, focus on the process, not on the result, the ability to concentrate, optimal task complexity, a high level of volitional self-regulation, developed self-discipline and the ability to plan one's own activities. The results obtained in the process of the study can become the basis for further empirical research in this area, as well as a theoretical basis for psychological work with sports figures.uk_UA
dc.subjectsports activityuk_UA
dc.subjectflow stateuk_UA
dc.subjectpsychological characteristicsuk_UA
dc.titleПсихологічні характеристики спортсменів з високою частотою досягнення стану потокyuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Інноваційні підходи до процесу спортивного тренування

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