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Название: The quality of foreign language learning at Ukrainian universities in war conditions
Авторы: Zablotska, Lyubov Mykhailivna
Cherniy, Liudmyla Vitaliivna
Meleshchenko, Vira Oleksandrivna
Библиографическое описание: Zablotska L., Cherniy L., Meleshchenko V. The quality of foreign language learning at Ukrainian universities in war conditions // World science priorities : IV International Scientific and Practical Conference (June 08 – 09, 2023). Vienna : World of Conferences, 2023. P. 44-50
Дата публикации: 8-июн-2023
Издательство: World of Conferences
Ключевые слова: quality of education
higher education
war period
foreign language learning
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The given article describes the problems affecting the process of education during the war in Ukraine. Higher education, like the entire education field in Ukraine, has also faced real challenges and threats during the war period. It has been revealed that all educational institutions could adapt to distance learning more quickly, but, despite all the advantages, it still carries the risk of worsening students' progress and quality of education. Educators try to imply interactive techniques during for-eign language learning, as they are designed to help students develop not only their creative potential but also their ability to think and respond quickly, which can lead to improved communication skills.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31709
ISBN: 978-92-44513-53-8
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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