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Назва: Підвищення рівння технічної підговленості жінок в українській боротьбі на поясах в умовах закладу вищої освіти
Автори: Семенів, Б. С.
Роман, М. І.
Файда, В. О.
Бібліографічний опис: Семенів Б. С., Роман М. І., Файда В. О. Підвищення рівння технічної підговленості жінок в українській боротьбі на поясах в умовах закладу вищої освіти // Інноваційні підходи до процесу спортивного тренування : матеріали регіонального науково-практичного семінару (24 листопада 2023 р.). Тернопіль : ТАЙП, 2023. С. 185-190
Дата публікації: 24-лис-2023
Видавництво: Тайп
Ключові слова: Ukrainian belt wrestling
physical exercises
physical training
technical training
Короткий огляд (реферат): Democratic changes in the world have given a boost to the revival of historical, national and cultural traditions, including those related to physical culture and sports of different segments of the population. The popularity of Ukrainian belt wrestling in many countries of the world is forcing specialists to reconsider their views on the methodology of the training process and look for new ways to improve the quality of the training process and maintain competitiveness. The growing popularity of Ukrainian belt wrestling in Ukraine and the world can be explained by the peculiarities of the rules of the fight and the grip on the belt. The specificity of the rules of Ukrainian belt wrestling is that it is allowed to release the belt with one hand and grab the opponent's body parts with the free hand for technical actions and change the grip on the belt - with one hand and then with the other. This feature makes it possible for representatives of different types of martial arts (freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman, sambo, judo) to participate in competitions. In connection with the peculiarity of the rules of conducting a fight, the educational and training process for the improvement of technical-tactical and physical training requires new methods of increasing the level of sports fitness of athletes at the stages of long-term sports training, unlike other types of belt wrestling where there is already a clear method of training. The purpose of the study: formation of physical abilities and skills of women in Ukrainian belt wrestling in the conditions of a higher education institution. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature sources, physiological research methods, pedagogical research methods, mathematical methods of processing research data. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate the positive influence of physical exercises and training regimes for the development of flexibility and coordination on the formation of technical actions of women in Ukrainian belt wrestling at the stage of initial training, the technical fitness of women - the speed of throws increased by 8.5% relative to the control group of 3.2%, flexibility increased by 35.2% of the experimental group relative to the control group of 15.1%.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31450
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