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dc.contributor.authorHorbatiuk, Roman M.-
dc.contributor.authorDudka, Uliana T.-
dc.contributor.authorKabak, Vitalii V.-
dc.contributor.authorRebukha, Liliia Z.-
dc.contributor.authorSerdiuk, Olga Yu.-
dc.contributor.authorRiznitskii, Ivan G.-
dc.identifier.citationUsing the LearningApps.org Online Service in the Moodle System in the Process of Training of Specialists in Economic Specialties / R. M. Horbatiuk [et al.] // AET 2020 : proceedings of the 1st symposium on advances in educational technology, Kyiv, november 12 - 13. 2020. Vol. 2. P. 402–415. DOI : 10.5220/0010932200003364-
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with the peculiarities of using LearningApps.org online service in the Moodle system in the process of training of specialists in economic specialties. Methodology of integrating interactive tasks in economic disciplines of LearningApps.org online service into the Moodle learning management system has been considered. Practical aspects of using interactive tasks while teaching professionally oriented educational disciplines by education applicants of economic specialties have been reflected. The didactic component of the Moodle system in the process of realization of distance and mixed learning in the pandemic period and formation of future specialists’ professional, informational and communicative competencies, development of their creative thinking has been revealed in the process of research activitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectInteractive Tasksuk_UA
dc.subjectDistance Learninguk_UA
dc.subjectLearningApps.org Online Serviceuk_UA
dc.titleUsing the LearningApps.org Online Service in the Moodle System in the Process of Training of Specialists in Economic Specialtiesuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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