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dc.contributor.authorКузьма, Ірина Ігорівна-
dc.identifier.citationКузьма І. Розвиток ідей медіаосвіти в дошкільних закладах та початкових школах україни у 1985–1991 рр. // Молодь і ринок. 2021. №10 (196). С. 140-146.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті охарактеризовано генезу ідей медіаосвіти в дошкільних закладах та початкових школах України у 1985–1991 рр. у контексті розвитку освітньої галузі, на тлі впливу суспільно-політичних чинників. Термін “медіаосвіта” на той час не використовувався. Існували процеси, що зараз трактуються як медіаосвіта. Показано унікальність, суперечливість тенденцій досліджуваного періоду. Відображено початок комп’ютеризації дошкільної та початкової освіти. Розглянуто особливості формування критичного мислення. Виявлено перспективний досвід.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe genesis of media education ideas at preschool institutions and primary schools of Ukraine in 1985–1991 in the context of the development of the educational sector, against the background of socio-political factors influence has been described in the article. It has been emphasized that the term “media education” was not used in the analyzed period. There were processes that now are interpreted as media education. The beginning of computerization of preschool and primary education, didactic functions of new means, and organization of scientific researches are comprehensively characterized in the asrticle. The goals of the use of computer equipment have been outlined: training children to the “computer operating background”, which will help in the future to avoid a kind of psychological barrier, prejudice against the computer; using the capabilities of computer equipment to improve the effectiveness of preparation to training. New didactic possibilities of the computer, in particular visualization, individualization, possession of huge informative potential, etc., have been defined. It has been found that the idea of the need to study the computer from an early age and develop the ability to use its potential was widespread in the media. It has been shown that against the background of technical progress, computerization of education, which is the embryonic form of the future of media education, the educational process continued to retain traditional means, which now are interpreted as traditional media. The role of television (cartoons), radio as a means of harmonious development of children remained. The uniqueness and contradiction of tendencies of the studied period are shown. Peculiarities of formation of children’s critical thinking have been considered. Emphasis has been placed on the limitation, the locality of critical thinking. It has been found that, despite the “perestroika”, ideological requirements have not lost their relevance. Promising experience that needs to be implemented in the modern educational field has been revealed: formation of critical thinking for participation in the processes of social progress; differentiation of true and false messages, real and fabulous; performing tasks to find errors in media production, the use of computer means of education and the development of skills of teachers, kindergarten teachers for the use of these means.uk_UA
dc.subjectрозвиток медіаосвітиuk_UA
dc.subjectкомп’ютерні засобиuk_UA
dc.subjectтрадиційні та інноваційні медіаuk_UA
dc.subjectкритичне мисленняuk_UA
dc.subjectдошкільні закладиuk_UA
dc.subjectпочаткові школиuk_UA
dc.subjectdevelopment of media educationuk_UA
dc.subjectcomputer equipmentuk_UA
dc.subjecttraditional and innovative mediauk_UA
dc.subjectcritical thinkinguk_UA
dc.subjectpreschool institutionsuk_UA
dc.subjectprimary schoolsuk_UA
dc.titleРозвиток ідей медіаосвіти в дошкільних закладах та початкових школах україни у 1985–1991 рр.uk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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