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dc.contributor.authorKuzyshyn, Andrii-
dc.identifier.citationKuzyshyn A. Assessment of tourism flows within the territory of Ukraine from the sustainable tourism development point of view // Tourism of the XXI century: Clobal challenges and civilization values : ІІ International scientific and practical conference (Kyiv, June 01, 2020). Kyiv : KNUTE, 2020. P. 578-589.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis study is devoted to the analysis ofinternational tourismflows directed into Ukraine. Diagnostics oftourism flows according to regions ofthe world was carried out and the tendency ofthe increasing role oftourism both locally and internationally was noticed. The results of the previous empirical study confirmed that different social groups have their own specificpatterns oftourism activity. It also showed what groups responded the most to globalization and the possible consequences it may have for tourism activities.uk_UA
dc.subjectinternational tourism flowsuk_UA
dc.subjecttourism regionsuk_UA
dc.subjectmotivation to traveluk_UA
dc.subjectglobal imperativesuk_UA
dc.subjectstatistics ofinternational tourismuk_UA
dc.titleAssessment of tourism flows within the territory of Ukraine from the sustainable tourism development point of viewuk_UA
dc.typeConference Abstractuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Тези конференцій

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