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dc.contributor.authorГорак, Я. Р.-
dc.identifier.citationГорак Я. Р. До характеристики львівського періоду (1922 – 1940) діяльності Володимира Садовського // Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство Тернопіль : ТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюка, 2014. № 2. C. 15–24.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ статті на підставі документального матеріалу та преси створено панораму львівського періоду життя Володимира Садовського, який охоплює 20–30-і роки ХХ ст. Уперше введено в науковий обіг матеріали про діяльність митця у церковно-суспільному житті Галичини – його участь у церковних товариствах («Товариство святого апостола Павла», «Єдність», «Українське Богословське Наукове Товариство»), публікації в їх друкованих органах на богословські та церковно-обрядові теми. Також узагальнено різносторонні контакти В. Садовського з музичним мистецтвом того часу, де він виявив себе як член (а іноді й очільник) музичних товариств, музичний критик, хоровий диригент.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье на основе документального материала и прессы создана панорама львовского периода жизни Владимира Садовского, который охватывает 20–30-е годы ХХ в. Впервые введены в научный обиход материалы о деятельности В. Садовского в церковно-общественной жизни Галиции – его участие в церковных обществах («Общество святого апостола Павла», «Единство», «Украинское Богословское Научное Общество»), публикации в их печатных зданиях на богословские и церковно-обрядовые темы. Также обобщено разносторонние контакты В. Садовского с музыкальным искусством того времени, где он проявил себя как член (а иногда и руководитель) музыкальных обществ, музыкальный критик и хоровой дирижер.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn the article, on the basis of documents and press the Lviv period of Volodymyr Sadovskyi’s life is shown. This period covers the 20-30’s of the XX-th century. The panoramic overview of this period of the artist’s life demonstrates us his diverse activity in the sphere of interesting events of artistic and clerical life of Galicia in the first half of the XX-th century. Having returned from his banishment, in 1922 V. Sadovskyi gets connected with the church of the Transfiguration in Lviv where he serves at first as an administrator (1922–1924), and later on, till the end of his life (1927–1940), – as a pastor of this church. The pastor of the church of Transfiguration also works as a professor at Lviv seminary (1924). V. Sadovskyi takes active part in the artistic life in Lviv. At the meeting of Board of the Musical Society named after M. Lysenko on the 20th of February, 1922, V. Sadovskyi was accepted as a member of the Society. At the Emergency General Meetings of «Lviv Boyan» on the 4th and 10th of May, 1922, V. Sadovskyi was elected the head of this society. He remained such till the end of December, 1923. In the first half of the 1920s, V. Sadovskyi works as a music reviewer. At that period of time, some of his reviews occur in the newspapers «Public Gerald”, «Dilo». From the 1st of September 1923, a two-year Ukrainian Drama School under the directorship of Mykola Voronyi starts its work at the Higher Music Institute named after M. Lysenko. V. Sadovskyi worked at that school, together with well-known teachers such as M. Voronyi, O. Zagarov, Y. Stadnyk, L. Biletskyi and others. He taught the course of the History of Costume. In 1922 V. Sadovskyi became the member of the church St. Apostle Paul’s Society in Lviv. Starting from the 2nd of July 1923 he was the head of this Society and remained such till 1925. At the meetings of the Society V. Sadovskyi presented his research on clerical topics. The Society also fulfilled its publishing function, they published the journal «Nyva». During 1922-1928 a lot of V. Sadovskyi’s articles on clerical topics were published in «Nyva». In 1923 the Ukrainian Theological Scientific Society was created in Lviv. V. Sadovskyi immediately entered the managing department of the Society. The Society created four sections: Biblical, Philosophic-Dogmatic, History and Law, and Practical Theology. In 1925 V. Sadovskyi was elected an active member of the section of Practical Theology. The Society published a quarterly journal «Theology». V. Sadovskyi was hoping to publish with the help of the Theological Scientific Society his «Church Slavic Dictionary», but the publication never happened. In the middle of the V. Sadovskyi wrote a range of researches about the Church Slavic language in old clerical books. He also wrote handbooks on the ceremonial part of the church service. The autographs of these works survived in the artist’s archive. Instead of the St. Apostle Paul’s Society, forbidden by the police, the priests created in 1928 a new society –Unity. V. Sadovskyi also became one of the leaders of Unity. One of the priorities of the society was resistance to the communism, sectarianism and orthodox propaganda. On the 2nd of June 1929, as a choir conductor, V. Sadovskyi, together with S. Ludkevych, S. Fedak, M. Voloshyn, B. Vakhnianyn and I. Okhrymovych, took part in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the first artistic choir in Galicia at the Greek-Catholic Cathedral in Peremyshel. Another important sphere of V. Sadovskyi’s activity in the 1920’s–30’s is his patronage and sponsorship. Being the owner of one of the biggest private note and musical libraries, in the mentioned period of time V. Sadovskyi gives the large part of it as a present to Ukrainian institutions in Lviv – the National Museum in Lviv and the library of the Scientific Society named after T. Shevchenko. During his last years of life (1939–1940), V. Sadovskyi and Y. Kyshakevych were preparing the materials about the church singing. The materials were to be considered and approved att he Lviv Archdiocese gathering. The materials were ready but V. Sadovskyi didn’t live to attend the very Gathering, which took place in spring, 1941. Thus, the main spheres of v. Sadovskyi’s activity during its Lviv period were church and public activity and participation in the musical life of Galicia.uk_UA
dc.publisherТНПУ ім. В. Гнатюкаuk_UA
dc.subjectВолодимир Садовськийuk_UA
dc.subject«Товариство святого апостола Павла»uk_UA
dc.subjectтовариство «Єдність»uk_UA
dc.subjectжурнал «Богословія»uk_UA
dc.subjectцерква Преображення у Львовіuk_UA
dc.subjectМузичне товариство імені М. Лисенкаuk_UA
dc.subjectмузична критикаuk_UA
dc.subject«Українська Драматична школа»uk_UA
dc.subjectВладимир Садовскийuk_UA
dc.subject«Общество святого апостола Павла»uk_UA
dc.subjectобщество «Единство»uk_UA
dc.subject«журнал «Богословия»uk_UA
dc.subjectцерковь Преображения во Львовеuk_UA
dc.subjectМузыкальное общество имени Н. Лысенкоuk_UA
dc.subjectмузыкальная критикаuk_UA
dc.subject«Украинская Драматическая школа»uk_UA
dc.subjectVolodymyr Sadovskyiuk_UA
dc.subjectthe St. Apostle Paul’s Societyuk_UA
dc.subjectthe society Unityuk_UA
dc.subjectjournal «Theology»uk_UA
dc.subjectthe church of the Transfiguration in Lvivuk_UA
dc.subjectthe Musical Society named after M. Lysenkouk_UA
dc.subjectmusical criticismuk_UA
dc.subjectUkrainian Drama Schooluk_UA
dc.titleДо характеристики львівського періоду (1922 – 1940) діяльності Володимира Садовськогоuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeК характеристике львовского периода (1922 – 1940) деятельности Владимира Садовскогоuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету ім. В. Гнатюка. Сер. Мистецтвознавство. 2014. № 2

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