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dc.contributor.authorКозубцов, Ігор Миколайович-
dc.identifier.citationКозубцов І. М. Теоретичні і методичні основи розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктів : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступення д-ра пед. наук : 13.00.04 / Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка. Тернопіль, 2021. 43 с.uk_UA
dc.descriptionЗахист відбувся 13 травня 2021 р. о 10.00 годині на засіданні спеціалізованої вченої ради Д 58.053.03 у Тернопільському національному педагогічному університеті імені Володимира Гнатюка (зала для засідань, вул. М. Кривоноса, 2, м. Тернопіль, 46027). Із дисертацією можна ознайомитись на офіційному сайті http://www.tnpu.edu.ua та в науковій бібліотеці Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка за адресою: вул. М. Кривоноса, 2, м. Тернопіль, 46027.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації визначено зміст і структуру методологічної культури ад’юнктів, критерії та показники її сформованості. З’ясовано сутність і значення феномену «наукова школа» в контексті розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктів. Обґрунтовано концепцію та на її теоретичних основах розроблено педагогічну систему розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктів. Спроєктовано модель науково-методичного супроводу ад’юнктів у контексті індивідуальної адаптивної траєкторії їх підготовки. Визначено організаційно-педагогічні умови та систематизовано традиційні та специфічні форми, методи, засоби навчання, педагогічні технології у складі комплексної методики розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктів. Експериментально перевірено ефективність педагогічної системи розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ диссертации определены содержание и структура методологической культуры адъюнктов, критерии и показатели ее сформированности. Выяснены сущность и значение феномена «научная школа» в контексте развития методологической культуры адъюнктов. Обоснована концепция и на ее теоретических основах разработана педагогическая система методологической культуры адъюнктов. Разработана модель научно-методического сопровождения адъюнктов в контексте индивидуальной адаптивной траектории их подготовки. Определены организационно-педагогические условия и систематизированы традиционные и специфические формы, методы, средства обучения, педагогические технологии в составе комплексной методики развития методологической культуры адъюнктов. Экспериментально проверена эффективность педагогической системы развития методологической культуры адъюнктов.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractFrom the standpoint of modern requirements and methodological approaches, the content and structure of the methodological culture of adjuncts, criteria and indicators of its formation are determined. The essence and significance of the phenomenon of "scientific school" in the context of the formation of the methodological culture of adjuncts is clarified. The concept is substantiated and on its theoretical bases the pedagogical system of development of methodological culture of adjuncts is developed. The model of scientific and methodical support of adjuncts in the context of individual adaptive trajectory of their preparation is designed. The organizational and pedagogical conditions are determined and the traditional and specific forms, methods, teaching aids, pedagogical technologies as a part of a complex technique of development of methodological culture of adjuncts are systematized. The effectiveness of the pedagogical system of development of methodological culture of adjuncts is experimentally tested. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study is that for the first time: developed and substantiated the concept of development of methodological culture of adjuncts, which is based on the provisions of: a holistic pedagogical process of the pedagogical system "scientific school" (concepts and theories: teaching adjuncts the basics of military-professional methodology; development through educational research ad of scientific school; education through subject-subject interaction in the system of scientific and methodological support of adjuncts; digitization and adaptive management of the educational process of adjunct and scientific school). It includes blocks such as general idea, hypothesis, social needs, scientific facts, categories (educational process), axioms (dynamic learning), postulates, principles, theory of systems, holistic pedagogical process, selection of educational content, learning process, developmental learning, education, design of pedagogical technologies, programmed learning), concepts (methodology, culture, methodological culture of adjuncts), regulations, laws (pedagogy, teaching), patterns (pedagogical process), conditions (psychological and pedagogical, national traditions, socio-professional influence, influence of cyberspace, normative, choice of pedagogical technologies, technological, acmeological, organizational, methodical), judgments, development programs; continuous professional development of the associate’s personality, gaining personal experience as a result of performing a quasi-professional organization of scientific and scientific-technical activities during the period of professional training in post-graduate studies and inseparable unity with the scientific school; combination of different methodological approaches and principles of development of methodological culture; scientifically substantiated selection of content, forms, methods and technologies of professional and pedagogical improvement, self-improvement and self-development in the process of methodical work, while studying in the scientific school of development of methodological culture, as well as in the process of self-educational activity; The pedagogical system of development of methodological culture of adjuncts was substantiated and its model, which includes structural-logical components such as social-subject, motivational (needs, motives, orientations), target (purpose, task), semantic (educational-scientific preparation, optional program of scientific school), purposeful (forms, methods, means and technologies of teaching), activity (reflection, diagnosis, correction), was presented; The model of scientific and methodological support of adjuncts, which presents the algorithm of the supervisor’s response to the results of the pedagogical process (educational, developmental, educational) was developed through educational research activities of adjuncts (technologies, forms and methods of educational process); Pedagogical conditions were determined for the development of methodological culture of adjuncts (formation of positive motivation for military-professional and methodological improvement, self-improvement and self-development; training in a scientific school for the development of methodological culture; development of subject-subject interaction in the system of scientific and methodological support ad internships at universities as supervisors); The criteria of development of methodological culture of adjuncts were improved value-motivational criteria (value, motivational, ethical, orientational); cognitive criteria (methodological, research, psychological, reflexive, communicative, pedagogical, didactic, methodical, ethical, monitoring and diagnostic); operational criteria (analytical skills, forecasting skills, design skills, organizational and managerial skills, technological skills, methodological skills, methodological skills, intellectual skills, communication skills, reflective skills, orientation skills, research skills); subject-reflexive criteria; professionally important qualities criteria; indicators and levels of development (basic, sufficient, high); The content of the concept of "methodological culture of adjuncts", its objective (legal, informal (morality, traditions), methodology (general, secret), scientific language, symbolic component) and subjective components (subject ("adjunct") were clarified and concretized. The essence and specifics of stages of development of methodological culture are investigated (classical: initial, scientific and professional formation of a young researcher, conscious scientific research, scientific maturity; culturological: passive and active dilettante, passive and active scholar).uk_UA
dc.subjectтеоретичні і методичні основиuk_UA
dc.subjectметодологічна культура ад’юнктівuk_UA
dc.subjectпедагогічна технологіяuk_UA
dc.subjectнауково-методичний супровідuk_UA
dc.subjectпедагогічна система розвитку методологічної культуриuk_UA
dc.subjectнаукова школаuk_UA
dc.subjectосвітньо-наукова характеристикаuk_UA
dc.subjectорганізаційно-педагогічні умовиuk_UA
dc.subjectосвітньо-наукова програмаuk_UA
dc.subjectтеоретические и методические основыuk_UA
dc.subjectметодологическая культура адъюнктовuk_UA
dc.subjectпедагогическая технологияuk_UA
dc.subjectнаучно-педагогическое сопровождениеuk_UA
dc.subjectпедагогическая системаuk_UA
dc.subjectнаучная школаuk_UA
dc.subjectдистанционная формаuk_UA
dc.subjectобразовательно-научная характеристикаuk_UA
dc.subjectобразовательно-научная программаuk_UA
dc.subjecttheoretical and methodical fundamentalsuk_UA
dc.subjectmethodological culture of adjunctsuk_UA
dc.subjectpedagogical technologyuk_UA
dc.subjectscientific and methodical supportuk_UA
dc.subjectpedagogical systemuk_UA
dc.subjectscientific schooluk_UA
dc.subjecteducational and scientific characteristicuk_UA
dc.subjecteducational and scientific programuk_UA
dc.titleТеоретичні і методичні основи розвитку методологічної культури ад’юнктівuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeТеоретические и методические основы развития методологической культуры адъюнктовuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTheoretical and methodological fundamentals of development of methodological culture of adjunctsuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти

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