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dc.contributor.authorKuca, Larisa-
dc.identifier.citationKuca L. Психопоэтологическая парадигма мысль - слово в повестях Ивана Андрусяка для / про подростков // Slavia Centralis. 2020. № 1. P. 202-217uk_UA
dc.description.abstractV članku sta kratki zgodbi sodobnega ukrajinskega pisatelja Ivana Andrusjaka obravnavani s psihopoetološkega vidika kot načina izražanja misli z jezikovnimi sredstvi. Avtorica spremembe v pesniškem sistemu sodobne mladinske književnosti ponazarja z naslonitvijo avtorja na opaznejša sodobna dela s pozivom h globljim miselnim plastem. Posebno pozornost namenja fenomenu molka kot komunikacijski invarianti. Razlaga tudi poziv Ivana Andrusjaka k iracionalni dimenziji misli in aktualizaciji jezikovnega ustvarjanja sanjskega prostora, ki bi ustrezal razvoju najstnika ter izražal njegova krizna stanja. Na interdisciplinarni ravni obravnava tudi večfunkcijskost manifestacije lepega v analiziranih kratkih zgodbah in poetiko ustvarjanja duhovne odisejade neobičajnega sodobnega otroka.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article suggests the interpretation of two stories by modern Ukrainian writer Ivan Andrusiak from the point of view of psychopoetics as a way of expressing thought through linguistic means. The changes in the poetological system of modern teenage literature in the direction towards modern significant works and the author’s appeal to deep reflection levels have been illustrated. In the context of interdisciplinary discourse, special attention has been paid to the phenomenon of silence as a communicative invariant. The article explains Ivan Andrusiak’s appeal to irrational dimensions of thought and the actualisation of linguistic creation of dream spaces, appropriate for the teens’ age, viewed as a means of accentuating teenagers’ crisis states. The multifunctional character of displaying the beautiful in the analysed stories has been viewed. The poetics of creating the spiritual odyssey of an unusual modern child within interdisciplinary connections has been generalised.uk_UA
dc.subjectmladinska književnostuk_UA
dc.subjectstereometrija besedilauk_UA
dc.subjectsanjski prostoruk_UA
dc.subjectdream spaceuk_UA
dc.subjectteenage literatureuk_UA
dc.subjecttext stereometryuk_UA
dc.subjecttime and spaceuk_UA
dc.subjectsacral time and spaceuk_UA
dc.titleПсихопоэтологическая парадигма мысль - слово в повестях Ивана Андрусяка для / про подростков /uk_UA
dc.title.alternativePsihopoetološka paradigma misel – beseda v k ratkihpsihopoetološka paradigma misel – beseda v kratkih Zgodbah Іvana a ndrusjaka za najstnike ter o najstnikihuk_UA
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