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dc.contributor.authorGumenyuk, Sergiy-
dc.contributor.authorHrubar, Iryna-
dc.contributor.authorHrubar, Y.-
dc.contributor.authorHrabyk, Nadiia-
dc.contributor.authorSaprun, Stanislav-
dc.identifier.citationGumenyuk S., Hrubar I., Hrubar Y., Hrabyk N., Saprun S. Рhysical training in rehabilitation of 10-13 years old children with fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm // Georgian medical news. Тбилиси, 2019. № 11 (296). Р. 36–41.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research is devoted to the problem of rehabilitation of 10-13 years old children with the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm by means of physical education. The purpose of the work is to identify factors of injuries emergence in children, creating and checking efficiency of the physical rehabilitation program on the example of the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm. Results: The causes of children’s school injuries have been analyzed and the following are established: organizational-methodical, sanitary-hygienic and psychophysiological. The methods of evaluating the efficiency of physical rehabilitation of children with the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm have been developed. There are three periods of physical rehabilitation, which conditionally are divided into: immobilizational, functional and training. The physical rehabilitation program for children with the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm, the technology of conducting kinesitherapy in the process of physical rehabilitation of children with the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm and complexes of exercises oriented on a gradual increase of amplitude of movements of radio-carpal joint and prevention of disorders of functional state of the injured segment muscles have been developed and implemented. Conclusion:The physical rehabilitation program for children with the fractures of bones of the lower third of forearm is based on pedagogical principles, provides appropriate forms (hygienic gymnastic, independent study), methods (gymnastic, gaming, sporting) and ensures adequate pedagogical conditions. It have been produced and recommended preventive measures of organizational (during lessons and after school time), methodical, sanitary-hygienic and educational character for the realization at schools.uk_UA
dc.subjectphysical rehabilitation, fractures of bones, lower third of forearm, physical exercises, pupilsuk_UA
dc.titleРhysical training in rehabilitation of 10-13 years old children with fractures of bones of the lower third of forearmuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeРеабилитация детей 10-13 лет с переломами костей нижней трети предплечья средствами физического воспитанияuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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