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Название: Теорія і практика патріотичного виховання в школах України (1945–2019 рр.)
Другие названия: Теория и практика патриотического воспитания в школах Украины (1945–2019 гг.)
The theory and practice of patriotic education in the schools of Ukraine (1945–2019)
Авторы: Кульчицький, Віталій Йосипович
Kulchytskyi, V. Y.
Библиографическое описание: Кульчицький В. Й. Теорія і практика патріотичного виховання в школах України (1945–2019 рр.) : дис. ... д-ра пед. наук : 13.00.01 / Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка. Дрогобич ; Тернопіль, 2020. 490 с.
Дата публикации: 2020
Ключевые слова: виховання
патріотичне виховання
теоретико-методичні засади
педагогічний процес
авторська школа
національна система освіти
учнівська молодь
патриотическое воспитание,
теоретико-методические основы
педагогический процесс,
авторская школа
национальная система образования,
учащаяся молодежь
patriotic education
theoretical and methodological principles
pedagogical process
author's school
national education system
student youth
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У дисертації обґрунтовано теоретичні засади і відображено практику реалізації патріотичного виховання учнів у школах України в 1945–2019 рр.: схарактеризовано організаційно-педагогічні аспекти розвитку патріотичного виховання учнів у 1945–1991 рр.; проаналізовано структуру, зміст, методи й форми патріотичного виховання учнів у радянський період; визначено особливості педагогічного керівництва патріотичним вихованням учнів у школах у 1945–1991 рр.; з’ясовано основні тенденції становлення національної системи патріотичного виховання в Україні за доби незалежності. Обґрунтовано періодизацію розвитку патріотичного виховання в школах України в 1945–2019 рр., у межах якої виокремлено радянський період (1945–1991 рр.), що поділяється на ідеологічно-організаційний (1945–1964 рр.) і суспільно-пропагандистський (1965–1991 рр.) періоди, і добу незалежності (1991–2019 рр.). Визначено перспективи використання нагромадженого досвіду патріотичного виховання молоді в умовах децентралізації та реформування національної системи освіти.
В диссертации обоснованы теоретические основы и отражено практику реализации патриотического воспитания учащихся в школах Украины в 1945–2019 гг.: охарактеризованы организационно-педагогические аспекты развития патриотического воспитания учащихся в 1945–1991 гг.; проанализированы структура, содержание, методы и формы патриотического воспитания учащихся в советский период; определены особенности педагогического руководства патриотическим воспитанием учащихся в школах в 1945–1991 гг.; выяснены основные тенденции становления национальной системы патриотического воспитания в Украине в эпоху независимости. Обоснована периодизация развития патриотического воспитания в школах Украины в 1945–2019 гг., в рамках которой выделены советский период (1945–1991 гг.), который включает идеологически организационный (1945–1964 гг.) и общественно-пропагандистский (1965–1991 гг.) периоды, и время независимости (1991–2019 гг.). Определены перспективы использования накопленного опыта патриотического воспитания молодежи в условиях децентрализации и реформирования национальной системы образования.
The success of educational work largely depends on the use of experience of previous years: not only in the context of preserving traditions, implementing effective forms and methods of education, but also in order to avoid mistakes and distortions of the period when Ukraine was a part of a totalitarian state. Studying the sources of domestic achievements and losses in the field of economy, science, education, culture leads to the separation of two opposing periods of genesis of education in general and patriotic in particular: before and after 1991, when the independence of the Ukrainian state was proclaimed. The study substantiates the theoretical and methodological principles of patriotic education of students in Ukrainian schools (1945–2019), which means a set of basic scientific principles that define conceptual theories, basic approaches, principles, consideration of patriotic education as a complex contradictory process which in 1945–1991 was under the influence of manipulative technologies of the totalitarian state; in 1991–2019 it was with a focus on the revival of national values, the introduction of forms and methods of forming a nationally conscious personality, capable of strengthening statehood and ensuring the territorial integrity of the country. The study identifies positive retrospective experience of patriotic education of youth in the domestic pedagogy of the Soviet period (patriotism as a factor of unification and development of society based on state ideology, mass, the formation of unity of views on patriotism; prognostic assessment of avoiding social conflicts in Soviet society; comprehensive support of patriotic youth organizations; encouragement of author's schools) and the era of independence (study and rethinking of cultural heritage; application of socio-cultural approach to the theoretical and practical formation of the culture of patriotism; taking into account the specific ethnic, regional characteristics, establishment of national values; compliance of the regulatory framework with the challenges of modern society; optimization of youth policy), the prospects of its implementation in conditions of modernization of the national education system. The periodization of the patriotic education development in the schools of Ukraine in 1945–2019 is developed, on the basis of historical-political and socio-pedagogical features of the development of state formations on Ukrainian lands two opposite historical periods of patriotic education are determined, the boundary between them was the formation of an independent Ukrainian state in 1991. In the context of the Soviet historical period (1945–1991) the following periods are distinguished: the first period (1945–1964) – ideological and organizational – the formation of the scientific theory of patriotic education in the party-state management of the educational process, leveling of national and personal peculiarities, centralized unification of the content of educational programs, realization of the practice of patriotic education in accordance with the Soviet interpretation of the Marxist-Leninist methodology and the concept of communist education (within the period the subperiods are defined: І – 1945–1953; ІІ – 1954–1964); second period (1965–1991) – social propaganda – the dominance of the ideas of internationalism and socialist patriotism (within the period the subperiods were defined: І – 1965–1983; ІІ – 1984–1991). After the proclamation of independence, a nationally oriented period of patriotic education began (1991–2019), within which subperiods were defined: І – 1991–2013; ІІ – 2014–2019. The characteristic of regional processes of patriotic education of student's youth was further developed in the work. Patriotic education of students in schools of Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century is presented as an integrated unity of patriotic consciousness, patriotic activity and patriotic beliefs. The advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet system of patriotic education have been established and revealed: the advantages include the mass coverage of the population with educational influences; motivation of patriotic education by the interests of socialist society and the Soviet state; ; interaction of family, school, youth organizations, extracurricular activities in education of children and youth; selfless assistance to the elderly within the Timur movement; an extensive system of sports education as a basis for military and patriotic education of youth; the shortcomings are the deformation of moral and value-worldviews; formation of 36 double standards in Soviet society; the constant presence of the cult of the leader in the educational process; unification of interests and needs of young people associated with the violation of the law, neglecting of human rights and freedoms; domination of apathy, skepticism, destruction of justice in society and among young people. It is proved that the formation of the Ukrainian youth national consciousness should become the basis for the consolidation of society and strengthening of the state, therefore, there is a need to solve on the state level the most acute problems related to the historically formed regional features of patriotic education. Solving the tasks of research allowed to achieve its goal, realizing though that prospective and actual are certain aspects that may be the subject of special studies: methodological aspects of ensuring the development of the process of patriotic education in the schools of Ukraine; the issue of forming teaching staff readiness to performing the process of patriotic education under decentralization circumstances; development of a special model of patriotic education in the context of national education current reform; development of innovative forms and methods of introduction of patriotic education in extracurricular activities; studying and implementation of foreign experience in the field of patriotic education in Ukraine.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.tnpu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16231
Располагается в коллекциях:Педагогічні науки

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