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dc.contributor.authorKondratska, Ludmila-
dc.identifier.citationKondratska L. SOTERIOLOGICAL CHALLENGERS OF CULTURE // Cultura : International Journal of Philosophy of Culture and Axiology. 2019. Vol. 16, Issue 1. P. 175-191uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThis paper presents an epistemological analysis of the soteriological risks of the journey to a nonlinear cultural space, which implies the justification of the anthropological discourse of cultures as a result of the fall of a man and its eschatological consequences; the elliptical almanac of typology of the conceptual metaphors of culture and the stages of its cyclical development (in the sacred space, the space of sacred art, the space of art and the art practice of production and consumption) on the principle of the Ecclesiastes circle. The laws of a holistic cultural process are metaphorically expressed in the dialectical relationship of two principles: the rotation of the wheels of time space and dipole, as well as the presence of different types of culture due to the corresponding typology of human culture and existing anthropological strategies of cultural development (the ritual of space correlation, the theosophy, the basis of which is the iconic assimilation of the given canon, exact repetition of a certain archetype model). It is proved that the subject of mental and methodological dialogue is a semasiological model of comprehension of a cultural metaphor, which involves the awakening of the personality of the ‘seventh senses’ in order to carry out a ‘conscientious’ paradise.uk_UA
dc.subjectnonlinear space of cultureuk_UA
dc.subjectcultural metaphoruk_UA
dc.subjectanthropological discourse of cultural genesisuk_UA
dc.subjectmethodological dialogueuk_UA
dc.subjectEcclesiastes circleuk_UA
dc.subjectelentic almanacuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Статті

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