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dc.contributor.authorГринчук, Ірина Павлівна-
dc.contributor.authorГрищенко, Тетяна-
dc.identifier.citationГринчук І. П., Грищенко Т. А. Фортепіанні твори Ф. Якименка: історико-музикознавчий та виконавсько-педагогічний аспекти // Молодь і ринок. Дрогобич, 2019. № 3 (170). С. 37-42.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractЗаторкнуто проблему оновлення навчального і виконавського репертуару у класі фортепіано. Увагу зосереджено на аналізі фортепіанних творів українських композиторів XX століття на прикладі творчості Ф. Якименка. Розглянуто культурологічний, музикознавчий контексти, чинники, які вплинули на формування Ф. Якименка як композитора і виконавця. Проведено загальний огляд фортепіанної спадщини композитора у сукупності її теоретичних і методичних аспектів. Представлено мініатюри з циклу “Три п’єси на українські теми” як приклад цінного навчально-виконавського репертуару.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe instrumental training, piano training in particular, is an important component in the professional preparation of the musicians and music teachers. In its theoretical and methodological background, there must be combined the historical, theoretical, musicological, pedagogical, performance, analytical and interpretive aspects. The article highlights the study of the national piano repertoire in the context of the development of European and world music culture with the purpose of its extrapolation for the tasks of general and special pedagogical practice. An appropriate repertoire textbooks in different editions serve as a methodological background in this context. In its performance, pedagogical and repertoire aspects, piano art of Ukraine is closely linked with the European musical context during the interwar period of the twentieth century. It had been facilitated by Ukrainian artists being trained by the leading music teachers of European capitals; their multifaceted concert tours and pedagogical activities both in Ukraine and in Europe; direct creative activity of representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora. F. Yakymenko, a composer, pianist and teacher, music critic and music theorist, author of a valuable piano repertoire is a vivid example of the generation of Ukrainian musicians of the above mentioned time. There has been outlined the place of F. Yakymenko as the author of some samples of national piano creativity against the background of the European cultural context. There have been analyzed the peculiarities of F. Yakymenko’s piano writing in historical, musical, performance and methodical aspects as the illustrateion of program miniatures of the Prague period of his creative activity. Being a representative of neo-romanticism, a specific feature of F. Yakymenko’s creative activity is “stratification” of various historical-stylistic and genre-intonational features. The range of themes of the composer’s works embrace the various directions: pictorial and spiritual works; works close to the “synthesis of arts”; music close to compositions by K. Debussy and M. Ravel; the children’s music. There has been analysed F. Yakymenko’s creativity during the Prague period, a vivid example of which is the cycle “Three plays on Ukrainian themes”. There has been concluded that F. Yakymenko’s versatile program miniatures can be successfully used as educational repertoire material in the process of professional piano training, as an illustrative repertoire material in the process of organizing listening to music by schoolchildren.uk_UA
dc.subjectфортепіанна творчість українських композиторів I половини XX ст.uk_UA
dc.subjectкомпозиторський стильuk_UA
dc.subjectФ. Якименкоuk_UA
dc.subjectвиконавсько-педагогічний аспектuk_UA
dc.subjectфортепіанний циклuk_UA
dc.subjectpiano works by Ukrainian composers of the XX centuryuk_UA
dc.subjectthe composer’s styleuk_UA
dc.subjectF. Yakymenkouk_UA
dc.subjectpiano cycleuk_UA
dc.subjectperforming and pedagogical aspectuk_UA
dc.titleФортепіанні твори Ф. Якименка: історико-музикознавчий та виконавсько-педагогічний аспектиuk_UA
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