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dc.contributor.authorNaumchuk, Volodymyr Ivanovych-
dc.identifier.citationNaumchuk V. I. Retrospective Analysis of the Development of the Game Phenomenon (from Antiques to the Twentieth Century) // International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology, 2019. 8 (3). P. 158-172uk_UA
dc.descriptionDOI : 10.26655/IJAEP.2019.9.20uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe game is a global and universal phenomenon, an integral part of life and any transformations and changes in the life of each person directly or indirectly correlate with the game factor. Retrospective analysis of the development of the game phenomenon is necessary for revealing and disclosing the internal unity of the various views on the game, the core of which is the philosophical and pedagogical idea of transforming the world through spiritual and moral growth and physical improvement of the personality, the formation of their humanistic and value orientations. In particular this applies to the process of training future teachers of physical training, whose activity is directly linked with the game phenomenon. To achieve this goal, a set of interrelated methods has been used, namely: analysis, synthesis and synthesis of scientific information on the problem of research, educational and methodological literature and Internet sources. In the views of thinkers of the earlier times, the game appears to be the necessary basis for all things, the fundamental phenomenon of being, in which the discovery and understanding of the essence of man is manifested. The game phenomenon reflects a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that is recognized by human through experience and comprehended at the sensual level. Modifying with each stage of the development of society, the game always keeps the manifestations of the phenomenon and is only inherent for itself a list of properties and qualities. Its leading features and essential characteristics are associated with such categories as activity, freedom, pleasure, convention, novelty, creation, universality, transformation and perfection.uk_UA
dc.subjectretrospective analysisuk_UA
dc.titleRetrospective Analysis of the Development of the Game Phenomenon (from Antiques to the Twentieth Century)uk_UA
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