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dc.contributor.authorГінсіровська, Ірина Романівна-
dc.contributor.authorHinsirovska, I. R.-
dc.identifier.citationГінсіровська, І. Р. Підготовка майбутніх фахівців з менеджменту до інноваційної професійної діяльності у вищих технічних навчальних закладах: дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.04 - теорія і методика професійної освіти : педагогічні науки / Гінсіровська Ірина Романівна ; Тернопільський нац. пед. ун-т ім. В. Гнатюка ; наук. кер. М. І. Олійник. – Тернопіль, 2018. – 325 с. – Бібліогр.: с. 232–265.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractУ дисертації наведено теоретичне узагальнення і нове вирішення наукової проблеми підготовки майбутніх фахівців із менеджменту до інноваційної професійної діяльності в технічних закладах вищої освіти. Проаналізовано стан досліджуваної проблеми в наукових джерелах, уточнено основні дефініції дослідження. Конкретизовано структуру, критерії та показники рівнів готовності майбутніх фахівців із менеджменту до інноваційної професійної діяльності в технічних закладах вищої освіти. Розроблено, теоретично обґрунтовано та експериментально перевірено технологію підготовки майбутніх фахівців із менеджменту до інноваційної професійної діяльності в технічних закладах вищої освіти. Розроблено програму та змістове наповнення дисципліни вільного вибору студента «Праксеологічні основи менеджменту».uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ диссертации приведено теоретическое обобщение и новое решение научной проблемы формирования готовности будущих специалистов по менеджменту к инновационной профессиональной деятельности в высших технических учебных заведениях. Проанализировано состояние исследуемой проблемы в научных источниках, уточнены основные дефиниции. Конкретизированы структура, критерии и показатели уровней готовности будущих специалистов по менеджменту к инновационной профессиональной деятельности в высших технических учебных заведениях. Разработана, теоретически обоснована и экспериментально проверена технология подготовки будущих специалистов по менеджменту к инновационной профессиональной деятельности в высших технических учебных заведениях. Разработана программа и содержательное наполнение дисциплины свободного выбора студента «Праксеологические основы менеджмента».uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe theoretical generalization and new solution to the scientific problem of training of the future specialists in management for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions have been investigated in the thesis research. The state of the problem has been analyzed in the scientific sources; the basic concepts of the research have been defined. The object of the scientific thesis is the training of the specialists in management at higher educational institutions. The subject of the scientific thesis includes the content, forms, methods and means of the specialists in management training for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions. The purpose of the scientific thesis is to develop and experimentally test the technology of training of future specialists in management for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions. The term «innovative professional activities of the manager» is defined as complex organizational activities caused by social and economic, cultural and historical conditions of society, which is carried out according to the principles of praxeological approach. The purpose of the activities is modernization of the professional environment and obtaining the maximum result by introducing new ideas or improving the existing technologies, means, methods that cause improvement of production. The technology of training of the future specialists in management for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions has been developed, theoretically interpretated and experimentally tested. The three-component structure of the technology has been developed. The first component is learning about innovations (studying the nature of concepts, legislative acts concerning innovative activities); the second component is learning through innovations (using the potential of polysubject learning environment of the higher technical educational institutions, implementation of optional courses, use of the innovative learning methods); learning for innovations (development and implementation of the personal self-development program, creation of the innovative projects on the basis of cooperation with the international students). The interaction of conceptual-purpose, content, process and analytical-resulting components has been provided with the principle of succession. The purpose of the technology corresponding to the leading educational concepts and legislative acts concerning innovative activities determines its content (the theoretical and methodological basis of the organization of managers training for innovation professional activities), which is implemented due to the set of forms (classroom activities: study of psychological, pedagogical, professional subjects and optional cources; extraclassroom activities: trainings, educational excursions, internship programs); methods (interactive, technical creativity, cognitive contradiction, business and imitation role-plays such as «Manager without complexes», «Innovator-loser», project activity, methods of technology for successful activities organization), means of interaction between objects and subjects of technology (manuals, computer technologies, databases, electronic versions of educational cources), diagnostic tools, organizational and pedagogical conditions (integration of knowledge concerning the innovative activities while learning professional, pedagogical and psychological subjects; professional training organization on the basis of praxiological principles; supply of personal trajectory for the development of future managers through self-management and monitoring of the quality of educational activities). Implementation of the technology in the polysubject and information environments provides the achievement of the result (the formation of willingness of the future specialists in management for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions). The structure of willingness of the future specialists in management for the innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions has been specified and its main components (motivative-purpose, cognitive-informational, praxeological-integrative, cooperating-reflexive) have been presented in the research course. The criteria (value, cognitive, personality-process, analytical) and willingness level indicators (high, medium, low) of the future specialists in management for theinnovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions have been determined. The forms, methods and means of training of the future specialists in management for innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutions have gained their further development. The recommendations for improving the organization of the educational process by increasing the willingness of managers for creating and implementing of innovations into their professional activities have been explained. The program and content of the optional course «Praxiological principles of management» have been developed. The complex diagnostic system for determining the levels of willingness of the future managers for the innovate professional activities, the levels of formation of their personal and professional qualities, as well as praxeological skills has been developed.uk_UA
dc.subjectфахівці із менеджментуuk_UA
dc.subjectінноваційна професійна діяльність менеджераuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнологія підготовкиuk_UA
dc.subjectформування готовностuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнічні заклади вищої освітиuk_UA
dc.subjectспециалисты по менеджментuk_UA
dc.subjectинновационная профессиональная деятельность менеджераuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнология подготовкиuk_UA
dc.subjectформирования готовностиuk_UA
dc.subjectвысшие технические учебные заведенияuk_UA
dc.subjectspecialists in managementuk_UA
dc.subjectinnovative professional activities of the manageruk_UA
dc.subjecttechnology of traininguk_UA
dc.subjectformation of willingnessuk_UA
dc.subjecthigher technical educational institutionsuk_UA
dc.titleПідготовка майбутніх фахівців з менеджменту до інноваційної професійної діяльності у вищих технічних навчальних закладахuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeПодготовка будущих специалистов по менеджменту к инновационной профессиональной деятельности в высших технических учебных заведенияхuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeTraining of the future specialist in management for the innovative professional activities at higher technical educational institutionsuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Педагогічні науки

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